1 results for Sandhu,+Shahneen,+Prof

1 results for Sandhu,+Shahneen,+Prof

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Gafita, Andrei, MD ; Calais, Jeremie, MD ; Grogan, Tristan R, MSc ; Hadaschik, Boris, Prof ; Wang, Hui, MSc ; Weber, Manuel, MD ; Sandhu, Shahneen, Prof ; Kratochwil, Clemens, MD ; Esfandiari, Rouzbeh, MD ; Tauber, Robert, MD ; Zeldin, Anna, BSc ; Rathke, Hendrik, MD ; Armstrong, Wesley R, BSc ; Robertson, Andrew, MBChB ; Thin, Pan, BSc ; D'Alessandria, Calogero, PhD ; Rettig, Matthew B, Prof ; Delpassand, Ebrahim S, MD ; Haberkorn, Uwe, Prof ; Elashoff, David, Prof ; Herrmann, Ken, Prof ; Czernin, Johannes, Prof ; Hofman, Michael S, Prof ; Fendler, Wolfgang P, MD ; Eiber, Matthias, Prof
    Publisher:Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-08, Vol.22 (8), p.1115-1125
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