1 results for Schwartz,+Hila

1 results for Schwartz,+Hila

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Dror, Shani ; Sander, Laureen ; Schwartz, Hila ; Sheinboim, Danna ; Barzilai, Aviv ; Dishon, Yuval ; Apcher, Sebastien ; Golan, Tamar ; Greenberger, Shoshana ; Barshack, Iris ; Malcov, Hagar ; Zilberberg, Alona ; Levin, Lotan ; Nessling, Michelle ; Friedmann, Yael ; Igras, Vivien ; Barzilay, Ohad ; Vaknine, Hananya ; Brenner, Ronen ; Zinger, Assaf ; Schroeder, Avi ; Gonen, Pinchas ; Khaled, Mehdi ; Erez, Neta ; Hoheisel, Jörg D. ; Levy, Carmit
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature cell biology, 2016-09, Vol.18 (9), p.1006-1017
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