16 results for Shipitsin,+Michail

16 results for Shipitsin,+Michail

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    Author / Creator:Shipitsin, Michail ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Laboratory investigation, 2008-05, Vol.88 (5), p.459-463
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    Author / Creator:Marotta, Lauren L C ; Almendro, Vanessa ; Marusyk, Andriy ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Schemme, Janina ; Walker, Sarah R ; Bloushtain-Qimron, Noga ; Kim, Jessica J ; Choudhury, Sibgat A ; Maruyama, Reo ; Wu, Zhenhua ; Gönen, Mithat ; Mulvey, Laura A ; Bessarabova, Marina O ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Silver, Serena J ; Kim, So Young ; Park, So Yeon ; Lee, Hee Eun ; Anderson, Karen S ; Richardson, Andrea L ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Liu, X Shirley ; Root, David E ; Hahn, William C ; Frank, David A ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:United States: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2011-07, Vol.121 (7), p.2723-2735
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    Author / Creator:Bloushtain-Qimron, Noga ; Yao, Jun ; Snyder, Eric L ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Campbell, Lauren L ; Mani, Sendurai A ; Hu, Min ; Chen, Haiyan ; Ustyansky, Vadim ; Antosiewicz, Jessica E ; Argani, Pedram ; Halushka, Marc K ; Thomson, James A ; Pharoah, Paul ; Porgador, Angel ; Sukumar, Saraswati ; Parsons, Ramon ; Richardson, Andrea L ; Stampfer, Martha R ; Gelman, Rebecca S ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2008-09, Vol.105 (37), p.14076-14081
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    Author / Creator:Maruyama, Reo ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Choudhury, Sibgat ; Wu, Zhenhua ; Protopopov, Alexei ; Yao, Jun ; Lo, Pang-Kuo ; Bessarabova, Marina ; Ishkin, Alex ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Liu, X. Shirley ; Sukumar, Saraswati ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2012-02, Vol.109 (8), p.2820-2824
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    Author / Creator:Snyder, Eric L ; Bailey, Dyane ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Polyak, Kornelia ; Loda, Massimo
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Laboratory investigation, 2009-08, Vol.89 (8), p.857-866
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    Author / Creator:Golder, Matthew R. ; Liu, Jenny ; Andersen, Jannik N. ; Shipitsin, Michail V. ; Vohidov, Farrukh ; Nguyen, Hung V.-T. ; Ehrlich, Deborah C. ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Vangamudi, Bhavatarini ; Economides, Kyriakos D. ; Neenan, Allison M. ; Ackley, James C. ; Baddour, Joelle ; Paramasivan, Sattanathan ; Brady, Samantha W. ; Held, Eric J. ; Reiter, Lawrence A. ; Saucier-Sawyer, Jennifer K. ; Kopesky, Paul W. ; Chickering, Donald E. ; Blume-Jensen, Peter ; Johnson, Jeremiah A.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature biomedical engineering, 2018-11, Vol.2 (11), p.822-830
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    Author / Creator:Golder, Matthew R. ; Liu, Jenny ; Andersen, Jannik N. ; Shipitsin, Michail V. ; Vohidov, Farrukh ; Nguyen, Hung V.-T. ; Ehrlich, Deborah C. ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Vangamudi, Bhavatarini ; Economides, Kyriakos D. ; Neenan, Allison M. ; Ackley, James C. ; Baddour, Joelle ; Paramasivan, Sattanathan ; Brady, Samantha W. ; Held, Eric J. ; Reiter, Lawrence A. ; Saucier-Sawyer, Jennifer K. ; Kopesky, Paul W. ; Chickering, Donald E. ; Blume-Jensen, Peter ; Johnson, Jeremiah A.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature biomedical engineering, 2018-09, Vol.2 (9), p.707-707
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    Author / Creator:Wood, Laura D ; Parsons, D. Williams ; Jones, Siân ; Lin, Jimmy ; Sjöblom, Tobias ; Leary, Rebecca J ; Shen, Dong ; Boca, Simina M ; Barber, Thomas ; Ptak, Janine ; Silliman, Natalie ; Szabo, Steve ; Dezso, Zoltan ; Ustyanksky, Vadim ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Karchin, Rachel ; Wilson, Paul A ; Kaminker, Joshua S ; Zhang, Zemin ; Croshaw, Randal ; Willis, Joseph ; Dawson, Dawn ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Willson, James K.V ; Sukumar, Saraswati ; Polyak, Kornelia ; Park, Ben Ho ; Pethiyagoda, Charit L ; Pant, P.V. Krishna ; Ballinger, Dennis G ; Sparks, Andrew B ; Hartigan, James ; Smith, Douglas R ; Suh, Erick ; Papadopoulos, Nickolas ; Buckhaults, Phillip ; Markowitz, Sanford D ; Parmigiani, Giovanni ; Kinzler, Kenneth W ; Velculescu, Victor E ; Vogelstein, Bert
    Publisher:United States: American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2007-11, Vol.318 (5853), p.1108-1113
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    Author / Creator:Qiu, Wen ; Hu, Min ; Sridhar, Anita ; Opeskin, Ken ; Fox, Stephen ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Trivett, Melanie ; Thompson, Ella R ; Ramakrishna, Manasa ; Gorringe, Kylie L ; Polyak, Kornelia ; Haviv, Izhak ; Campbell, Ian G
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2008-05, Vol.40 (5), p.650-655
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    Author / Creator:Shipitsin, Michail ; Small, Clayton ; Giladi, Eldar ; Siddiqui, Summar ; Choudhury, Sibgat ; Hussain, Sadiq ; Huang, Yi E ; Chang, Hua ; Rimm, David L ; Berman, David M ; Nifong, Thomas P ; Blume-Jensen, Peter
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Proteome science, 2014-07, Vol.12 (1), p.40-40, Article 40
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    Author / Creator:Snyder, Eric L ; Bailey, Dyane ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Polyak, Kornelia ; Loda, Massimo
    Journal title:Laboratory investigation, 2009-08, Vol.89 (8), p.857-866
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    Author / Creator:Goi, Takanori ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Lu, Zhimin ; Foster, David A. ; Klinz, Stephan G. ; Feig, Larry A.
    Publisher:Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
    Journal title:The EMBO journal, 2000-02, Vol.19 (4), p.623-630
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    Author / Creator:Marotta, Lauren L C ; Almendro, Vanessa ; Marusyk, Andriy ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Schemme, Janina ; Walker, Sarah R ; Bloushtain-Qimron, Noga ; Kim, Jessica J ; Choudhury, Sibgat A ; Maruyama, Reo ; Wu, Zhenhua ; Gönen, Mithat ; Mulvey, Laura A ; Bessarabova, Marina O ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Silver, Serena J ; Kim, So Young ; Park, So Yeon ; Lee, Hee Eun ; Anderson, Karen S ; Richardson, Andrea L ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Liu, X Shirley ; Root, David E ; Hahn, William C ; Frank, David A ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:Ann Arbor: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2011-07, Vol.121 (7), p.2723
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    Author / Creator:WOOD, Laura D ; PARSONS, D. Williams ; SILLIMAN, Natalie ; SZABO, Steve ; DEZSO, Zoltan ; USTYANKSKY, Vadim ; NIKOLSKAYA, Tatiana ; NIKOLSKY, Yuri ; KARCHIN, Rachel ; WILSON, Paul A ; KAMINKER, Joshua S ; ZEMIN ZHANG ; JONES, Sian ; CROSHAW, Randal ; WILLIS, Joseph ; DAWSON, Dawn ; SHIPITSIN, Michail ; WILLSON, James K. V ; SUKUMAR, Saraswati ; POLYAK, Kornelia ; BEN HO PARK ; PETHIYAGODA, Chant L ; KRISHNA PANT, P. V ; LIN, Jimmy ; BALLINGER, Dennis G ; SPARKS, Andrew B ; HARTIGAN, James ; SMITH, Douglas R ; SUH, Erick ; PAPADOPOULOS, Nickolas ; BUCKHAULTS, Phillip ; MARKOWITZ, Sanford D ; PARMIGIANI, Giovanni ; KINZLER, Kenneth W ; SJÖBLOM, Tobias ; VELCULESCU, Victor E ; VOGELSTEIN, Bert ; LEARY, Rebecca J ; DONG SHEN ; BOCA, Simina M ; BARBER, Thomas ; PTAK, Janine
    Publisher:Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2007, Vol.318 (5853), p.1108-1113
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    Author / Creator:Marotta, Lauren L.C ; Almendro, Vanessa ; Marusyk, Andriy ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Schemme, Janina ; Walker, Sarah R ; Bloushtain-Qimron, Noga ; Kim, Jessica J ; Choudhury, Sibgat A ; Maruyama, Reo ; Wu, Zhenhua ; Gonen, Mithat ; Mulvey, Laura A ; Bessarabova, Marina O ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Silver, Serena J ; Kim, So Young ; Park, So Yeon ; Lee, Hee Eun ; Anderson, Karen S ; Richardson, Andrea L ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Liu, X. Shirley ; Root, David E ; Hahn, William C ; Frank, David A ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, Vol.121 (7), p.2723
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    Author / Creator:Marotta, Lauren L.C ; Almendro, Vanessa ; Marusyk, Andriy ; Shipitsin, Michail ; Schemme, Janina ; Walker, Sarah R ; Bloushtain-Qimron, Noga ; Kim, Jessica J ; Choudhury, Sibgat A ; Maruyama, Reo ; Wu, Zhenhua ; Gonen, Mithat ; Mulvey, Laura A ; Bessarabova, Marina O ; Huh, Sung Jin ; Silver, Serena J ; Kim, So Young ; Park, So Yeon ; Lee, Hee Eun ; Anderson, Karen S ; Richardson, Andrea L ; Nikolskaya, Tatiana ; Nikolsky, Yuri ; Liu, X. Shirley ; Root, David E ; Hahn, William C ; Frank, David A ; Polyak, Kornelia
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, Vol.121 (7), p.2723
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