3 results for Si-Mehand,+Massinissa

3 results for Si-Mehand,+Massinissa

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    Author / Creator:Mehand, Massinissa Si ; Millett, Piers ; Al-Shorbaji, Farah ; Roth, Cathy ; Kieny, Marie Paule ; Murgue, Bernadette
    Publisher:United States: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Journal title:Emerging infectious diseases, 2018-09, Vol.24 (9)
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    Author / Creator:Tacconelli, Evelina ; Carrara, Elena ; Savoldi, Alessia ; Harbarth, Stephan ; Mendelson, Marc ; Monnet, Dominique L ; Pulcini, Céline ; Kahlmeter, Gunnar ; Kluytmans, Jan ; Carmeli, Yehuda ; Ouellette, Marc ; Outterson, Kevin ; Patel, Jean ; Cavaleri, Marco ; Cox, Edward M ; Houchens, Chris R ; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Hansen, Paul ; Singh, Nalini ; Theuretzbacher, Ursula ; Magrini, Nicola ; Aboderin, Aaron Oladipo ; Al-Abri, Seif Salem ; Awang Jalil, Nordiah ; Benzonana, Nur ; Bhattacharya, Sanjay ; Brink, Adrian John ; Burkert, Francesco Robert ; Cars, Otto ; Cornaglia, Giuseppe ; Dyar, Oliver James ; Friedrich, Alex W ; Gales, Ana C ; Gandra, Sumanth ; Giske, Christian Georg ; Goff, Debra A ; Goossens, Herman ; Gottlieb, Thomas ; Guzman Blanco, Manuel ; Hryniewicz, Waleria ; Kattula, Deepthi ; Jinks, Timothy ; Kanj, Souha S ; Kerr, Lawrence ; Kieny, Marie-Paule ; Kim, Yang Soo ; Kozlov, Roman S ; Labarca, Jaime ; Laxminarayan, Ramanan ; Leder, Karin ; Leibovici, Leonard ; Levy-Hara, Gabriel ; Littman, Jasper ; Malhotra-Kumar, Surbhi ; Manchanda, Vikas ; Moja, Lorenzo ; Ndoye, Babacar ; Pan, Angelo ; Paterson, David L ; Paul, Mical ; Qiu, Haibo ; Ramon-Pardo, Pilar ; Rodríguez-Baño, Jesús ; Sanguinetti, Maurizio ; Sengupta, Sharmila ; Sharland, Mike ; Si-Mehand, Massinissa ; Silver, Lynn L ; Song, Wonkeung ; Steinbakk, Martin ; Thomsen, Jens ; Thwaites, Guy E ; van der Meer, Jos WM ; Van Kinh, Nguyen ; Vega, Silvio ; Villegas, Maria Virginia ; Wechsler-Fördös, Agnes ; Wertheim, Heiman Frank Louis ; Wesangula, Evelyn ; Woodford, Neil ; Yilmaz, Fidan O ; Zorzet, Anna
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2018-03, Vol.18 (3), p.318-327
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    Author / Creator:Mehand, Massinissa Si ; Srinivasan, Bala ; De Crescenzo, Gregory
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Scientific reports, 2015-10, Vol.5 (1), p.15855-15855, Article 15855
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