2,104 results for Song,+Jie

2,104 results for Song,+Jie

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    Haidi zongdongyuan = Finding Nemo / Disney zhu ; Song J...

    海底总动员 = Finding Nemo / 美国迪士尼公司 著 ; 宋颉 译.

    Haidi zongdongyuan = Finding Nemo / Disney zhu ; Song Jie yi.

    Publisher:Shanghai : Huadong ligong daxue chuban she, 2015. | 上海 : 华东理工大学出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01078
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    Tang Song shi chu jie / Biaozhang Lu zhu.

    唐宋詩初階 / 陸鏢章著.

    Tang Song shi chu jie / Biaozhang Lu zhu.

    Author / Creator:Luk, Piu Cheung, author. | 陸鏢章, author
    Publisher:Haymarket, NSW : Ao Hua wen xue chu ban she, 2017. | Haymarket, NSW : 澳華文學出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di er ban. | 第二版.
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    1000 wan ren du shuo you xiao de qing song jie yan fa /...

    1000萬人都說有效的輕鬆戒菸法 / 亞倫・卡爾著 (Allen Carr) ; [譯者, 嚴冬冬].

    1000 wan ren du shuo you xiao de qing song jie yan fa / Yalun Ka'er (Allen Carr) zhu ; [yi zhe, Yan Dongdong].

    Author / Creator:Carr, Allen, 1934-2006.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si Taiwan fen gong si, 2011. | 台北市 : 高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/616.8/CAR
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    Jie jin xun si : dang dai Aozhou shi er shi ren xuan ji...

    接近尋思 : 當代澳洲十二詩人選集 / 主編客遠文, 副編宋子江;翻譯宋子江... [et al.] = The noise of exchange : twelve Australian poets / translated Song Zijiang... [et al.].

    Jie jin xun si : dang dai Aozhou shi er shi ren xuan ji / zhu bian Ke Yuanwen, fu bian Sing Zijiang ;fan yi Song Zijiang ... [et al.] = The noise of exchange : twelve Australian poets / editor Christo...

    Publisher:Macao : Association of Stories in Macao, 2011.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2601
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    Xiaosong qi tan : shi jie juan / Gao Xiaosong zuo pin.

    晓松奇谈 : 世界卷 / 高晓松 作品.

    Xiaosong qi tan : shi jie juan / Gao Xiaosong zuo pin.

    Author / Creator:Gao, Xiaosong, 1969- author. | 高晓松, 1969- author
    Publisher:Changsha : Hu'nan wen yi chu ban she, 2016. | 长沙 : 湖南文艺出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/909/GAO
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    オーストラリアの文学 : 短編傑作選 / 平松幹夫編訳.

    Ōsutoraria no bungaku : tanpen kessakusen / Hiramatsu Mikio hen, yaku.

    Author / Creator:Hiramatsu, Mikio, 1903- ed. | 平松幹夫, 1903-, ed
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Saimaru Shuppankai,, 1982. | 東京 : サイマル出版会,, 1982.
    Call Numbers:N823.30109/1 , 823.30109/1 , N823.30109/1A
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    Kakkoii kurōru de kakkoii karada ni : enueichikē char...

    かっこいいクロールでかっこいい体に! : NHKチャレンジ!ホビー / 高橋雄介講師 ;日本放送協会, NHK出版編集.

    Kakkoii kurōru de kakkoii karada ni : enueichikē charenji hobī / Takahashi Yūsuke kōshi ; Nippon hōsō kyōkai, Enueichikē shuppan henshū.

    Author / Creator:Takahashi, Yūsuke, 1962- | 高橋雄介, 1962-
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Enueichikē shuppan, 2011. | 東京 : NHK出版, 2011.
    Call Numbers:JPN/797.2/TAK
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    Sekai o sūshiki de sōzōdekireba : Ainshutain ga akog...

    世界を数式で想像できれば : アインシュタインが憧れた人々 = Einstein's heroes : imagining the world through the language of mathematics / ロビン・アリアンロッド著 ; 松浦俊輔訳.

    Sekai o sūshiki de sōzōdekireba : Ainshutain ga akogareta hitobito = Einstein's heroes : imagining the world through the language of mathematics / Robin Arianrotdo chō ; Matsūra Shunsuke yaku.

    Author / Creator:Arianrhod, Robyn, 1951-
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Seidosha, 2006. | 東京 : 青土社, 2006.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/998
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    Bing he dan gao : bu yong " kao " de dan gao! 1 jiao . ...

    冰盒蛋糕 : 不用"烤"的蛋糕! 1攪,2疊,3冰, 輕鬆享用美味蛋糕! = Ice box cakes : recipes for the coolest cakes in town / 珍.賽根朵芙 (Jean Sagendorph), 潔西.席恩 (Jessie Sheeha) 著 ; 陳思因譯.

    Bing he dan gao : bu yong " kao " de dan gao! 1 jiao . 2 die . 3 bing, qing song xiang yong mei wei dan gao! = Ice box cakes : recipes for the coolest cakes in town / Zhen Saigenduofu (Jean Sagendorph...

    Author / Creator:Sagendorph, Jean, author.
    Publisher:Tai bei shi : Ma ke bo luo chu ban, 2015. | 臺北市 馬可孛羅出版, 2015.
    Call Numbers:CHI/641.8/SAG
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    Da shi jie = Whole world / Guang jiao ya tong shu she z...

    大世界 = Whole world / 光脚丫童书社 著 ; 克里斯托弗·科尔 绘.

    Da shi jie = Whole world / Guang jiao ya tong shu she zhu ; Kelisituofu Keer hui.

    Author / Creator:Corr, Christopher, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00537
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    Da ye zhuai de hen / Ji Jie.

    大爺跩得很 / 季潔.

    Da ye zhuai de hen / Ji Jie.

    Author / Creator:Ji, Jie. | 季潔
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Song guo wu chu ban she, 2010. | 台北市 : 松果屋出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01448
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    Tai jie shang, you tiao long = A dragon on the doorstep...

    台阶上, 有条龙 = A dragon on the doorstep / 斯特拉·布莱克斯通 著 ; 戴比·哈特 绘.

    Tai jie shang, you tiao long = A dragon on the doorstep / Sitela Bulaikesitong zhu ; Daibi Hate hui.

    Author / Creator:Blackstone, Stella. author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00536
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    Ming jie zeng he Qian jia shi zhu.


    Ming jie zeng he Qian jia shi zhu.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing tu shu guan chu ban she : Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo, 1998. | 北京 : 北京图书馆出版社 : 經銷新華書店北京發行所, 1998.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2013/1806
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    Zhi ming yi ji / Sidifen Laile zhu ; Ye Qin yi = The lo...

    致命一击 / 斯蒂芬 来勒著 ; 叶勤 譯 = The long shot / Stephen Leather.

    Zhi ming yi ji / Sidifen Laile zhu ; Ye Qin yi = The long shot / Stephen Leather.

    Author / Creator:Leather, Stephen.
    Publisher:Beijing : Qun zhong chu ban she, 2007. | 北京 : 群众出版社, 2007.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00756
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