2 results for Stanaitis,+Kornelijus

2 results for Stanaitis,+Kornelijus

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    Author / Creator:Schwarz, Niklas ; Uysal, Betül ; Welzer, Marc ; Bahr, Jacqueline C ; Layer, Nikolas ; Löffler, Heidi ; Stanaitis, Kornelijus ; Pa, Harshad ; Weber, Yvonne G ; Hedrich, Ulrike Bs ; Honegger, Jürgen B ; Skodras, Angelos ; Becker, Albert J ; Wuttke, Thomas V ; Koch, Henner
    Publisher:England: eLife Science Publications, Ltd
    Journal title:eLife, 2019-09, Vol.8
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    Author / Creator:Schwarz, Niklas ; Uysal, Betül ; Welzer, Marc ; Bahr, Jacqueline C ; Layer, Nikolas ; Löffler, Heidi ; Stanaitis, Kornelijus ; PA, Harshad ; Weber, Yvonne G ; Hedrich, Ulrike BS ; Honegger, Jürgen B ; Skodras, Angelos ; Becker, Albert J ; Wuttke, Thomas V ; Koch, Henner
    Publisher:eLife Science Publications, Ltd
    Journal title:eLife, 2019, Vol.8
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