635 results for Tong,+Na

635 results for Tong,+Na

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    Čhaō nokphirāp tǫng ʻāpnām na / Mo Willems [autho...

    ชุดหนูอยากฟัง เจ้านกพิราบต้องอาบน้ำนะ / โม วิลเลียมส์ ; ผู้แปล พี่นานะ.

    Čhaō nokphirāp tǫng ʻāpnām na / Mo Willems [author, illustrator] ; Phī Nā Na [translator].

    Author / Creator:Willems, Mo, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Krung Thēp : Phrǣo Phư̄an Dek, 2019.
    Call Numbers:THA/J/00262
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    Xiao gu chui, dong dong dong = Knick knack paddy whack ...

    小鼓槌, 咚咚咚 = Knick knack paddy whack / 光脚丫童书社 著 ; 克里斯蒂亚娜·恩格尔 绘.

    Xiao gu chui, dong dong dong = Knick knack paddy whack / Guang jiao ya tong shu she zhu ; Kelisidiya'na Enge'er hui.

    Author / Creator:Engel, Christiane, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00528
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    Hŭrŭnŭn sigan i na ege allyŏ chunŭn kŏt tŭl / Ch...

    흐르는시간이나에게알려주는것들 / 재키토마에, 하이케블뤼너지음 ; 류동수옮김.

    Hŭrŭnŭn sigan i na ege allyŏ chunŭn kŏt tŭl / Chaek'i Tomae, Haik'e Pŭllwyinŏ chiŭm ; Ryu Tong su omgim.

    Author / Creator:Thomae, Jackie, author.
    Publisher:Koyang-si : Wijŭdŏm hausŭ, 2014.
    Call Numbers:KOR/158.1/THO
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    Kajang sasohan kuwŏn : 70-tae nogyosu wa 30-tae ch'ŏn...

    가장사소한구원 : 70대노교수와30대청춘이주고받은서른두통의편지 / 라종일, 김현진지음.

    Kajang sasohan kuwŏn : 70-tae nogyosu wa 30-tae ch'ŏngch'un i chugo padŭn sŏrŭn-tu t'ong ŭi p'yŏnji / Na Chong-il, Kim Hyŏn-jin chiŭm.

    Author / Creator:Na, Chong-il author. | 라종일, author
    Publisher:Sŏul-si : Alma, 2015. | 서울시 : 알마, 2015.
    Edition:1-p'an. | 1판.
    Call Numbers:KOR/895.7/NA
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    Na xie hui bu qu de nian shao shi guang / Tonghua zuo p...

    那些回不去的年少时光 / 桐华作品.

    Na xie hui bu qu de nian shao shi guang / Tonghua zuo pin.

    Author / Creator:Tonghua. | 桐华
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 2010. | 南京 : 江苏文艺出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
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    Yuan chu de cao di shang = Over in the meadow / Guang j...

    远处的草地上 = Over in the meadow / 光脚丫童书社 改编 ; 吉尔·麦克唐纳 绘.

    Yuan chu de cao di shang = Over in the meadow / Guang jiao ya tong shu she gai bian ; Jier Maiketangna hui.

    Author / Creator:McDonald, Jill. illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00535
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    Wai po : wo wai po de tong yao = Narnie : my grandmothe...

    外婆 : 我外婆的童謠 = Narnie : my grandmother's nursery rhymes / 凯瑟琳·简麦·克唐纳 ; 孙珺珺 译.

    Wai po : wo wai po de tong yao = Narnie : my grandmother's nursery rhymes / Kaiselin Jiamai Ketangna ; Sun Junjun yi.

    Author / Creator:Macdonald, Catherine Jane, author.
    Publisher:Hunters Hill : Wild Orange Publishing, 2018.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00868
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    Qin zi da nao you xi de yi shu = The art of roughhousin...

    亲子打闹游戏的艺术 = The art of roughhousing / (美) 安东尼·迪本德, (美) 劳伦斯 科恩; 伍娜译

    Qin zi da nao you xi de yi shu = The art of roughhousing / (Mei) Andongni Dibende, (Mei) Laolunsi Ke'en ; Wu Na yi.

    Author / Creator:DeBenedet, Anthony T., author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo ren kou chu ban she, 2016. | 北京 中国人口出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/649.5/DEB
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    Di shang he di xia de jiao tong gong ju shi / Yalishand...

    地上和地下的交通工具史 / 亚历山德拉·利特维娜著 ; 阿妮娅·杰斯尼茨卡娅绘 ; 巨芸译.

    Di shang he di xia de jiao tong gong ju shi / Yalishandela Liteweina zhu ; Aniya Jiesinicikaya hui ; Ju Yun yi.

    Author / Creator:Litvina, Alexandra, author. | 利特维娜, 亚历山德拉,, author
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Hua xue gong ye chu ban she, 2016. | 北京市 : 化学工业出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/388/LIT
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    Jie na bu wan mei de zi ji / [De] Zhuliya Fumote zhu ; ...

    接纳不完美的自己 / [德]茱莉亚·弗默特 著 ; [德]苏珊娜·塞妮 绘 ; 孙红 译.

    Jie na bu wan mei de zi ji / [De] Zhuliya Fumote zhu ; [De] Sushanna Saini hui ; Sun Hong yi.

    Author / Creator:Volmert, Julia, author.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Shi you gong ye chu ban she, 2019.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01049
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    Item 28: Portraits of unidentified Asians, ca 1900-1920...
    Pictures | Photographs

    Date:ca. 1900-1920
    Call Numbers:PX*D 157/vol. 1
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    Tian kong cong na li kai shi / Xu Lu zhu.

    天空从哪里开始 / 徐鲁 著.

    Tian kong cong na li kai shi / Xu Lu zhu.

    Author / Creator:Xu, Lu, 1962- author. | 徐鲁, 1962-, author
    Publisher:Jinan : Ming tian chu ban she, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00381
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    Xiong zai na er = Where is bear / Qiaonasen Binli zhu h...

    熊在哪儿 = Where is bear / 乔纳森· 宾利 著绘 ; 叶世芬 译.

    Xiong zai na er = Where is bear / Qiaonasen Binli zhu hui ; Ye Shifen yi.

    Author / Creator:Bentley, Jonathan. author, illustrator. | 宾利, 乔纳森, author, illustrator
    Publisher:[Wuhan] : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | [武汉] : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00575
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    Ba ba duo na er qu le ? = Where's dad hiding? / Aide Ai...

    爸爸躲哪儿去了? = Where's dad hiding? / 艾德・艾伦 著 ; 阿尼尔・托普 绘 ; 范晓星 译.

    Ba ba duo na er qu le ? = Where's dad hiding? / Aide Ailun zhu ; Ani'er Tuopu hui ; Fan Xiaoxing yi.

    Author / Creator:Allen, Ed, active 1979 author.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2019. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2019.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
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    Ting,dong wu xiang shuo sheng me? ; na xie rang dong wu...

    聽,動物想說什麼? : 那些讓動物們好煩腦的事 / 洪藝之文 ; 丁一文圖 ; 林佑毅譯

    Ting,dong wu xiang shuo sheng me? ; na xie rang dong wu men hao fan nao de shi / Hong Yizhi wen ; Ding Yiwen tu ; Lin Youyi yi.

    Author / Creator:Hong, Ye-yee, author. | 洪藝之, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Cai shi wen hua, 2018. | 臺北市 : 采實文化, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/591/HON
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    Wo jiu shi bu xiang bian cheng ni xi huan de na zhong r...

    我就是不想变成你喜欢的那种人 / (日) 岸见一郎著 ; 邓一多译.

    Wo jiu shi bu xiang bian cheng ni xi huan de na zhong ren / (Ri) Anjian Yilang zhu ; Deng Yiduo yi.

    Author / Creator:Kishimi, Ichirō, author.
    Publisher:Changchun : Bei fang fu nü er tong chu ban she, 2016. | 长春 北方妇女儿童出版社, 2016.
    Call Numbers:CHI/150.1/KIS
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