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Author / Creator:Wang, Xia ; Wang, Hui ; Sun, Vincent ; Tuan, Han-Fang ; Keser, Vafa ; Wang, Keqing ; Ren, Huanan ; Lopez, Irma ; Zaneveld, Jacques E ; Siddiqui, Sorath ; Bowles, Stephanie ; Khan, Ayesha ; Salvo, Jason ; Jacobson, Samuel G ; Iannaccone, Alessandro ; Wang, Feng ; Birch, David ; Heckenlively, John R ; Fishman, Gerald A ; Traboulsi, Elias I ; Li, Yumei ; Wheaton, Dianna ; Koenekoop, Robert K ; Chen, Rui
Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
Journal title:Journal of medical genetics, 2013-10, Vol.50 (10), p.674-688
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