2 results for Tsai,+Yuhjung+J

2 results for Tsai,+Yuhjung+J

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    Author / Creator:Vergara, Candelaria ; Caraballo, Luis ; Mercado, Dilia ; Jimenez, Silvia ; Rojas, Winston ; Rafaels, Nicholas ; Hand, Tracey ; Campbell, Monica ; Tsai, Yuhjung J ; Gao, Li ; Duque, Constanza ; Lopez, Sergio ; Bedoya, Gabriel ; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés ; Barnes, Kathleen C
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2009-06, Vol.125 (5-6), p.565-579
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Vergara, Candelaria ; Tsai, Yuhjung J ; Grant, Audrey V ; Rafaels, Nicholas ; Gao, Li ; Hand, Tracey ; Stockton, Maria ; Campbell, Monica ; Mercado, Dilia ; Faruque, Mezbah ; Dunston, Georgia ; Beaty, Terri H ; Oliveira, Ricardo Riccio ; Ponte, Eduardo V ; Cruz, Alvaro A ; Carvalho, Edgar ; Araujo, Maria Ilma ; Watson, Harold ; Schleimer, Robert P ; Caraballo, Luis ; Nickel, Renate G ; Mathias, Rasika A ; Barnes, Kathleen C
    Publisher:New York, NY: Am Thoracic Soc
    Journal title:American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2008-11, Vol.178 (10), p.1017-1022
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