26 results for Varallo,+John

26 results for Varallo,+John

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    Author / Creator:Castle, Philip E ; Varallo, John E ; Bertram, Margaret Mary ; Ratshaa, Bakgaki ; Kitheka, Moses ; Rammipi, Kereng
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2020-02, Vol.15 (2), p.e0229086-e0229086
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    Author / Creator:Godebo, Melaku ; Bete, Dawit ; Minass, Seye ; Liyew, Tewodros ; Gebreyesus, Ftalew ; Bryce, Emily ; Varallo, John ; Ashengo, Tigistu
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC health services research, 2024-07, Vol.24 (1), p.851-10, Article 851
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    Author / Creator:Anderson, Jean ; Wysong, Megan ; Estep, Deb ; Besana, Giulia ; Kibwana, Sharon ; Varallo, John ; Sun, Kai ; Lu, Enriquito
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2015-09, Vol.10 (9), p.e0139242-e0139242
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    Author / Creator:Jumbam, Desmond T ; Menon, Gopal ; Lama, Tenzing N ; Lodge Ii, William ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Kapologwe, Ntuli A ; Citron, Isabelle ; Barash, David ; Varallo, John ; Barringer, Erin ; Cainer, Monica ; Ulisubisya, Mpoki ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Nguhuni, Boniface
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC health services research, 2020-08, Vol.20 (1), p.725-725, Article 725
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    Author / Creator:Starr, Nichole E ; Moore, Jolene N ; Shreckengost, Constance S Harrell ; Fernandez, Katie ; Ambulkar, Reshma P ; Capo-Chichi, Nina ; Varallo, John E ; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O ; Krouch, Sophallyda ; Rana, Pankaj Singh ; Ingabire, JC Allen ; Weiser, Thomas G ; Mammo, Tihitena Negussie ; Evans, Faye M
    Publisher:Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications
    Journal title:Anaesthesia and intensive care, 2022-11, Vol.50 (6), p.457-467
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    Author / Creator:Lodge, William ; Menon, Gopal ; Kuchukhidze, Salome ; Jumbam, Desmond T. ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Nguhuni, Boniface ; Kapologwe, Ntuli A. ; Varallo, John
    Publisher:United States: Taylor & Francis
    Journal title:Global health action, 2020-12, Vol.13 (1), p.1765526-1765526
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    Author / Creator:Sibhatu, Manuel Kassaye ; Taye, Desalegn Bekele ; Gebreegziabher, Senedu Bekele ; Mesfin, Edlawit ; Bashir, Hassen Mohammed ; Varallo, John
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Patient safety in surgery, 2022-06, Vol.16 (1), p.20-7, Article 20
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    Author / Creator:Alidina, Shehnaz ; Tibyehabwa, Leopold ; Alreja, Sakshie Sanjay ; Barash, David ; Bien-Aime, Danta ; Cainer, Monica ; Charles, Kevin ; Ernest, Edwin ; Eyembe, Joachim ; Fitzgerald, Laura ; Giiti, Geofrey C ; Hellar, Augustino ; Hussein, Yahaya ; Kahindo, Furaha ; Kenemo, Benard ; Kihunrwa, Albert ; Kisakye, Steve ; Kissima, Innocent ; Meara, John G ; Reynolds, Cheri ; Staffa, Steven J ; Sydlowski, Meaghan ; Varallo, John ; Zanial, Noor ; Kapologwe, Ntuli A ; Mayengo, Caroline Damian
    Publisher:London: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Human resources for health, 2021-09, Vol.19 (1), p.1-115, Article 115
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    Author / Creator:Bete, Dawit Yifru ; Sibhatu, Manuel Kassaye ; Godebo, Melaku Gebremichael ; Abdulahi, Ilili Jemal ; Liyew, Tewodros Worku ; Minas, Seye Mesfin ; Bryce, Emily ; Ashengo, Tigistu Adamu ; Varallo, John
    Publisher:London: British Medical Journal Publishing Group
    Journal title:BMJ open quality, 2023-11, Vol.12 (4), p.e002406
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    Author / Creator:Bari, Sehrish ; Incorvia, Joseph ; Ahearn, Olivia ; Dara, Lem ; Sharma, Swati ; Varallo, John ; Smith, Victoria ; Cainer, Monica ; Samphy, Cheav ; Rathamony, Kith ; Kanora, Ngin ; Dara, Vithiea ; Meara, John G ; Koy, Virya ; Alidina, Shehnaz
    Publisher:United States: Taylor & Francis
    Journal title:Global health action, 2021-01, Vol.14 (1), p.1998996-1998996
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    Author / Creator:Hellar, Augustino ; Tibyehabwa, Leopold ; Ernest, Edwin ; Varallo, John ; Betram, Margaret Mary ; Fitzgerald, Laura ; Giiti, Geofrey ; Kihundrwa, Albert ; Kapologwe, Ntuli ; Drake, Mary ; Zoungrana, Jeremie ; Troxel, Alena ; Lemwayi, Ruth ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Makuwani, Ahmad
    Publisher:Cham: Springer International Publishing
    Journal title:World journal of surgery, 2020-03, Vol.44 (3), p.689-695
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    Author / Creator:Davies, Justine I ; Gelb, Adrian W ; Gore-Booth, Julian ; Martin, Janet ; Mellin-Olsen, Jannicke ; Åkerman, Christina ; Ameh, Emmanuel A ; Biccard, Bruce M ; Braut, Geir Sverre ; Chu, Kathryn M ; Derbew, Miliard ; Ersdal, Hege Langli ; Guzman, Jose Miguel ; Hagander, Lars ; Haylock-Loor, Carolina ; Holmer, Hampus ; Johnson, Walter ; Juran, Sabrina ; Kassebaum, Nicolas J ; Laerdal, Tore ; Leather, Andrew J. M ; Lipnick, Michael S ; Ljungman, David ; Makasa, Emmanuel M ; Meara, John G ; Newton, Mark W ; Østergaard, Doris ; Reynolds, Teri ; Romanzi, Lauri J ; Santhirapala, Vatshalan ; Shrime, Mark G ; Søreide, Kjetil ; Steinholt, Margit ; Suzuki, Emi ; Varallo, John E ; Visser, Gerard H. A ; Watters, David ; Weiser, Thomas G
    Publisher:San Francisco: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS medicine, 2021-08, Vol.18 (8), p.e1003749
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    Author / Creator:Wurdeman, Taylor ; Staffa, Steven J. ; Barash, David ; Buberwa, Ladislaus ; Eliakimu, Eliudi ; Maina, Erastus ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Meara, John G. ; Munyonyela, William ; Mushi, Rahma ; Reynolds, Cheri ; Strader, Christopher ; Varallo, John ; Washington, Leonard ; Zurakowski, David ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Kapologwe, Ntuli A.
    Publisher:Cham: Springer International Publishing
    Journal title:World journal of surgery, 2022-02, Vol.46 (2), p.303-309
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    Author / Creator:Wurdeman, Taylor ; Strader, Christopher ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Barash, David ; Citron, Isabelle ; Kapologwe, Ntuli ; Maina, Erastus ; Massaga, Fabian ; Mazhiqi, Adelina ; Meara, John G. ; Menon, Gopal ; Reynolds, Cheri ; Sydlowski, Meaghan ; Varallo, John ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Ulisubisya, Mpoki
    Publisher:Cham: Springer International Publishing
    Journal title:World journal of surgery, 2021-01, Vol.45 (1), p.41-49
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    Author / Creator:Alidina, Shehnaz ; Chatterjee, Pritha ; Zanial, Noor ; Alreja, Sakshie Sanjay ; Balira, Rebecca ; Barash, David ; Ernest, Edwin ; Giiti, Geofrey Charles ; Maina, Erastus ; Mazhiqi, Adelina ; Mushi, Rahma ; Reynolds, Cheri ; Sydlowski, Meaghan ; Tinuga, Florian ; Maongezi, Sarah ; Meara, John G ; Kapologwe, Ntuli A ; Barringer, Erin ; Cainer, Monica ; Citron, Isabelle ; DiMeo, Amanda ; Fitzgerald, Laura ; Ghandour, Hiba ; Gruendl, Magdalena ; Hellar, Augustino ; Jumbam, Desmond T ; Katoto, Adam ; Kelly, Lauren ; Kisakye, Steve ; Kuchukhidze, Salome ; Lama, Tenzing N ; Menon, Gopal ; Mshana, Stella ; Reynolds, Chase ; Segirinya, Hannington ; Simba, Dorcas ; Smith, Victoria ; Staffa, Steven J ; Strader, Christopher ; Tibyehabwa, Leopold ; Troxel, Alena ; Varallo, John ; Wurdeman, Taylor ; Zurakowski, David
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:BMJ quality & safety, 2021-12, Vol.30 (12), p.937-949
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    Author / Creator:Betran, Ana Pilar ; Torloni, Maria Regina ; Althabe, Fernando ; Altieri, Elena ; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam ; Ashraf, Fatema ; Bailey, Patricia ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Clark, Emma ; Changizi, Nasrin ; Churchill, Robyn ; Dominico, Sunday ; Downe, Soo ; Draycott, Downe Tim ; Faye, Arfang ; Feeley, Claire ; Geelhoed, Diederike ; Gherissi, Atf ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Grupta, Gagan ; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie ; Hanson, Claudia ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Hassan, Lubna ; Hofmeyr, George Justus ; Jayathilaka, Anoma Chandani ; Kabore, Charles ; Kidula, Nancy ; Kingdon, Carol ; Kuzmenko, Oleg ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Mola, Glen D.L ; Moran, Allisyn ; de Muncio, Bremen ; Nolens, Barbara ; Opiyo, Newton ; Pattinson, Robert C ; Romero, Mariana ; van Roosmalen, Jos ; Siaulys, Monica M ; Camelo, Jose Simon ; Smith, Jeffrey ; Sobel, Howard L ; Sobhy, Soha ; Sosa, Claudio ; Souza, Joao Paulo ; Hoope-Bender, Petra ten ; Thangaratinam, Shakila ; Varallo, John ; Wright, Alison ; Yates, Ann ; Oladapo, Olufemi O
    Publisher:World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2023-11, Vol.101 (11), p.723
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    Author / Creator:Ernest, Edwin Charles ; Hellar, Augustino ; Varallo, John ; Tibyehabwa, Leopold ; Bertram, Margaret Mary ; Fitzgerald, Laura ; Katoto, Adam ; Mshana, Stella ; Simba, Dorcas ; Gwitaba, Kelvin ; Boddu, Rohini ; Alidina, Shehnaz ; Giiti, Geofrey ; Kihunrwa, Albert ; Balandya, Belinda ; Urassa, David ; Hussein, Yahya ; Damien, Caroline ; Wackenreuter, Brendan ; Barash, David ; Morrison, Melissa ; Reynolds, Cheri ; Christensen, Alice ; Makuwani, Ahmed
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:BMJ global health, 2021-12, Vol.6 (12), p.e006788
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    Author / Creator:Ricca, Jim ; Dwivedi, Vikas ; Varallo, John ; Singh, Gajendra ; Pallipamula, Suranjeen Prasad ; Amade, Nazir ; de Luz Vaz, Maria ; Bishanga, Dustan ; Plotkin, Marya ; Al-Makaleh, Bushra ; Suhowatsky, Stephanie ; Smith, Jeffrey Michael
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC health services research, 2015-01, Vol.15 (1), p.9-9, Article 9
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    Author / Creator:Betrán, Ana Pilar ; Torloni, Maria Regina ; Althabe, Fernando ; Altieri, Elena ; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam ; Ashraf, Fatema ; Bailey, Patricia ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Clark, Emma ; Changizi, Nasrin ; Churchill, Robyn ; Dominico, Sunday ; Downe, Soo ; Draycott, Tim ; Faye, Arfang ; Feeley, Claire ; Geelhoed, Diederike ; Gherissi, Atf ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Grupta, Gagan ; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie ; Hanson, Claudia ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Hassan, Lubna ; Hofmeyr, George Justus ; Jayathilaka, Anoma Chandani ; Kabore, Charles ; Kidula, Nancy ; Kingdon, Carol ; Kuzmenko, Oleg ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Mola, Glen DL ; Moran, Allisyn ; De mundo, Bremen ; Nolens, Barbara ; Opiyo, Newton ; Pattinson, Robert C ; Romero, Mariana ; Van roosmalen, Jos ; Siaulys, Monica M ; Camelo, Jose Simon ; Smith, Jeffrey ; Sobel, Howard L ; Sobhy, Soha ; Sosa, Claudio ; Souza, Joao Paulo ; Hoope-Bender, Petra Ten ; Thangaratinam, Shakila ; Varallo, John ; Wright, Alison ; Yates, Ann ; Oladapo, Olufemi O
    Publisher:Geneva: World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2023-11, Vol.101 (11), p.723-729
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