17 results for Waller,+Matthew+J

17 results for Waller,+Matthew+J

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    Author / Creator:Bacon, Matthew, active 1730.
    Publisher:London : Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers, for J. Worrall and Co. A. Shuckburgh, T. Waller, P. Uriel, W. Owen, B. White, H. Woodfall, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes and Co. T. Longman, Z. Stuart, W. Johnston, B. Law, T. Caslon, T. Payne, and T. Cadell, MDCCLXVIII. [1768]
    Edition:The third edition, corrected; with many additional notes and references.
    Date:MDCCLXVIII. [1768]
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    Author / Creator:Waller, Augustus Désiré, author.
    Publisher:Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Digital, 2020.
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    London : a history in verse / edited by Mark Ford.

    Publisher:Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012.
    Call Numbers:G 2013/2205
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    The works of the British poets : collated with the best...

    Publisher:London : printed for J. Sharpe, [1805-1814]
    Call Numbers:DSM/821.08/W
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    Author / Creator:Ellis, Shirley A ; Bontrop, Ronald E ; Antczak, Doug F ; Ballingall, Keith ; Davies, Christopher J ; Kaufman, Jim ; Kennedy, Lorna J ; Robinson, James ; Smith, Douglas M ; Stear, Michael J ; Stet, Rene J M ; Waller, Matthew J ; Walter, Lutz ; Marsh, Steven G E
    Publisher:United States: Springer Nature B.V
    Journal title:Immunogenetics (New York), 2006-01, Vol.57 (12), p.953-958
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    Author / Creator:Robinson, James ; Waller, Matthew J. ; Fail, Sylvie C. ; Marsh, Steven G.E.
    Publisher:Hoboken: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company
    Journal title:Human mutation, 2006-12, Vol.27 (12), p.1192-1199
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    Author / Creator:Ripke, Stephan ; O'Dushlaine, Colm ; Chambert, Kimberly ; Moran, Jennifer L ; Kähler, Anna K ; Akterin, Susanne ; Bergen, Sarah E ; Collins, Ann L ; Crowley, James J ; Fromer, Menachem ; Kim, Yunjung ; Lee, Sang Hong ; Magnusson, Patrik K E ; Sanchez, Nick ; Stahl, Eli A ; Williams, Stephanie ; Wray, Naomi R ; Xia, Kai ; Bettella, Francesco ; Borglum, Anders D ; Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan K ; Cormican, Paul ; Craddock, Nick ; de Leeuw, Christiaan ; Durmishi, Naser ; Gill, Michael ; Golimbet, Vera ; Hamshere, Marian L ; Holmans, Peter ; Hougaard, David M ; Kendler, Kenneth S ; Lin, Kuang ; Morris, Derek W ; Mors, Ole ; Mortensen, Preben B ; Neale, Benjamin M ; O'Neill, Francis A ; Owen, Michael J ; Milovancevic, Milica Pejovic ; Posthuma, Danielle ; Powell, John ; Richards, Alexander L ; Riley, Brien P ; Ruderfer, Douglas ; Rujescu, Dan ; Sigurdsson, Engilbert ; Silagadze, Teimuraz ; Smit, August B ; Stefansson, Hreinn ; Steinberg, Stacy ; Suvisaari, Jaana ; Tosato, Sarah ; Verhage, Matthijs ; Walters, James T ; Bramon, Elvira ; Corvin, Aiden P ; O'Donovan, Michael C ; Stefansson, Kari ; Scolnick, Edward ; Purcell, Shaun ; McCarroll, Steven A ; Sklar, Pamela ; Hultman, Christina M ; Sullivan, Patrick F
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2013-10, Vol.45 (10), p.1150-1159
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    Author / Creator:Sawcer, Stephen ; Hellenthal, Garrett ; Pirinen, Matti ; Spencer, Chris C A ; Patsopoulos, Nikolaos A ; Moutsianas, Loukas ; Dilthey, Alexander ; Su, Zhan ; Freeman, Colin ; Hunt, Sarah E ; Edkins, Sarah ; Gray, Emma ; Booth, David R ; Potter, Simon C ; Goris, An ; Band, Gavin ; Oturai, Annette Bang ; Strange, Amy ; Saarela, Janna ; Bellenguez, Céline ; Fontaine, Bertrand ; Gillman, Matthew ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Gwilliam, Rhian ; Zipp, Frauke ; Jayakumar, Alagurevathi ; Martin, Roland ; Leslie, Stephen ; Hawkins, Stanley ; Giannoulatou, Eleni ; D'alfonso, Sandra ; Blackburn, Hannah ; Martinelli Boneschi, Filippo ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Harbo, Hanne F ; Perez, Marc L ; Spurkland, Anne ; Waller, Matthew J ; Mycko, Marcin P ; Ricketts, Michelle ; Comabella, Manuel ; Hammond, Naomi ; Kockum, Ingrid ; McCann, Owen T ; Ban, Maria ; Whittaker, Pamela ; Kemppinen, Anu ; Weston, Paul ; Hawkins, Clive ; Widaa, Sara ; Zajicek, John ; Dronov, Serge ; Robertson, Neil ; Bumpstead, Suzannah J ; Barcellos, Lisa F ; Ravindrarajah, Rathi ; Abraham, Roby ; Alfredsson, Lars ; Ardlie, Kristin ; Aubin, Cristin ; Baker, Amie ; Baker, Katharine ; Baranzini, Sergio E ; Bergamaschi, Laura ; Bergamaschi, Roberto ; Bernstein, Allan ; Berthele, Achim ; Boggild, Mike ; Bradfield, Jonathan P ; Brassat, David ; Broadley, Simon A ; Buck, Dorothea ; Butzkueven, Helmut ; Capra, Ruggero ; Carroll, William M ; Cavalla, Paola ; Celius, Elisabeth G ; Cepok, Sabine ; Chiavacci, Rosetta ; Clerget-Darpoux, Françoise ; Clysters, Katleen ; Comi, Giancarlo ; Cossburn, Mark ; Cournu-Rebeix, Isabelle ; Cox, Mathew B ; Cozen, Wendy ; Cree, Bruce A C ; Cross, Anne H ; Cusi, Daniele ; Daly, Mark J ; Davis, Emma ; de Bakker, Paul I W ; Debouverie, Marc ; D'hooghe, Marie Beatrice ; Dixon, Katherine ; Dobosi, Rita ; Dubois, Bénédicte ; Ellinghaus, David ; Elovaara, Irina ; Esposito, Federica
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature (London), 2011-08, Vol.476 (7359), p.214-219
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    Author / Creator:Damotte, V ; Guillot-Noel, L ; Patsopoulos, N A ; Madireddy, L ; El Behi, M ; De Jager, P L ; Baranzini, S E ; Cournu-Rebeix, I ; Fontaine, B
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Genes and immunity, 2014-03, Vol.15 (2), p.126-132
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    Author / Creator:Mechelli, Rosella ; Umeton, Renato ; Policano, Claudia ; Annibali, Viviana ; Coarelli, Giulia ; Ricigliano, Vito A G ; Vittori, Danila ; Fornasiero, Arianna ; Buscarinu, Maria Chiara ; Romano, Silvia ; Salvetti, Marco ; Ristori, Giovanni
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2013-05, Vol.8 (5), p.e63300
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