2,189 results for Wei,+Yun

2,189 results for Wei,+Yun

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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    考慮要孩子 : 計劃懷孕与順利懷孕 / 新南威爾士州衛生部.

    Kao lu yao hai zi : ji hua huai yun yu shun li huai yun / Xin nan wei er shi zhou wei sheng bu.

    Author / Creator:NSW Health, author.
    Publisher:Gladesville, NSW NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, 20XX.
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    給懷孕婦女及新任母親有關維生素D的資訊 = Vitamin D for pregnant women and new mothers / NSW Health,Western Sydney Local Health District.

    Gei huai yun fu nu ji xin ren mu qin you guan wei sheng su D de zi xun = Vitamin D for pregnant women and new mothers / NSW Health, Western Sydney Local Health District.

    Publisher:Gladesville, NSW NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, [2012]
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    Zang hua wen hua shi / lu si.wei jin li(Ruth Wajnryb) z...

    髒話文化史 / 露絲.韋津利(Ruth Wajnryb)著; 嚴韻譯.

    Zang hua wen hua shi / lu si.wei jin li(Ruth Wajnryb) zhu; yan yun yi.

    Author / Creator:Weijinli(WajnrybRuth), zhu. | 韋津利(WajnrybRuth), 著
    Publisher:Tai bei shi : Mai tian chu ban : Jia ting chuan mei cheng bang fen gong si fa xing, min 101[2012] | 臺北市 : 麥田出版 : 家庭傳媒城邦分公司發行, 民101[2012]
    Edition:2 ban. | 2版.
    Date:min 101[2012]
    Call Numbers:H 2013/4380
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    Huai yun bai ke : cong zhun bei huai yun dao shun li fe...

    怀孕百科 :$b从准备怀孕到顺利分娩的权威指导$c宝宝中心国际育儿网 编著;徐婳 译.

    Huai yun bai ke : cong zhun bei huai yun dao shun li fen mian de quan wei zhi dao / Bao bao zhong xin guo ji yu er wang bian zhu ; Xu Hua yi.

    Author / Creator:BabyCenter (Firm)
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Zhongguo fu nü chu ban she, 2011. | 北京市 : 中国妇女出版社, 2011.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/618.2/BAB
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    Huai yun yin shi da quan : gei ma ma de quan fang wei y...

    怀孕饮食大全 : 给妈妈的全方位营养 = Golden diet for future mother / [作者, 李宁].

    Huai yun yin shi da quan : gei ma ma de quan fang wei ying yang = Golden diet for future mother / [zuo zhe, Li Ning].

    Author / Creator:Li, Ning. | 李宁
    Publisher:Zhonghe Shi : Hua wei guo ji, 2010. | 中和市 : 华威国际, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/641.5/LI
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    過得好,因為我值得 : 值得讓心像雲般慢慢舒展 / 吳若權著 ; 安娜錄音.

    Guo de hao, yin wei wo zhi de : zhi de rang xin xiang yun ban man man shu zhan / Wu Ruoquan zhu ; Anna lu yin.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Ruoquan author. | 吳若權
    Publisher:[Taiwan] Haodoo.net.
    Listen online
    Freely accesible: Online.
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    Quan min shu xie yun dong : gai xie mei ti, jiao yu, qi...

    全民書寫運動 : 改寫媒體,教育,企業運作規則, 你不可不知的數位文化素養 = The uses of digital literacy / 約翰.哈特利(John Hartley)著 ; 鄭百雅譯 ; 簡妙如審定.

    Quan min shu xie yun dong : gai xie mei ti, jiao yu, qi ye yun zuo gui ze, ni bu ke bu zhi de shu wei wen hua su yang = The uses of digital literacy / Yuehan Hateli (John Hartley) zhu ; Zheng Baiya yi...

    Author / Creator:Hartley, John, 1948-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Man uou zhe wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2012. | 臺北市 : 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2012.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1465
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    Ni suo bu zhi dao de IS : 40 ge guan jian mian xiang, q...

    你所不知道的IS : 40個關鍵面向, 全面理解伊斯蘭國的崛起、運作與全球威脅 / 王友龍著.

    Ni suo bu zhi dao de IS : 40 ge guan jian mian xiang, quan mian li jie Yisilanguo de jue qi, yun zuo yu quan qiu wei xie / Wang Youlong zhu.

    Author / Creator:Wang, Youlong, author. | 王友龍, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Lian pu chu ban, 2015. | 台北市 : 臉譜出版, 2015.
    Call Numbers:CHI/364.1/WAN
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    Ren jian shi ge = No longer human / Taizai Zhi ; Yang W...

    人間失格 = No longer human / 太宰治 ; 楊偉, 蕭雲菁譯.

    Ren jian shi ge = No longer human / Taizai Zhi ; Yang Wei, Xiao Yunjing yi.

    Author / Creator:Dazai, Osamu, 1909-1948. | 太宰治, 1909-1948
    Publisher:Taibei Xian Sanchong Shi : Xin yu chu ban she, 2010. | 台北縣三重市 : 新雨出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01511
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    Hei jun ma = Black beauty / (Ying)Anna Saiwei'er zhu ; ...

    黑骏马 = Black beauty / (英)安娜 塞维尔 著 ; 石贇 译.

    Hei jun ma = Black beauty / (Ying)Anna Saiwei'er zhu ; Shi Yun yi.

    Author / Creator:Sewell, Anna, 1820-1878. author.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Beijing li gong da xue chu ban she, 2014. | 北京市 : 北京理工大学出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00422
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    Gen sui yi wei shao nü chuan guo cheng shi = Come as y...

    跟随一位少女穿过城市 = Come as you are / 胡凌云著.

    Gen sui yi wei shao nü chuan guo cheng shi = Come as you are / Hu Lingyun zhu.

    Author / Creator:Hu, Lingyun. | 胡凌云
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2010. | 上海 : 上海人民出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01296
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    Ju ren de yun luo / (Ying) Ken Fulaite (Ken Follett) zh...

    巨人的陨落 / (英)肯.福莱特(Ken Follett) 著 ; 于大卫 译.

    Ju ren de yun luo / (Ying) Ken Fulaite (Ken Follett) zhu ; Yu Dawei yi.

    Author / Creator:Follett, Ken. author.
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu feng huang wen yi chu ban she, 2016. | 南京 : 江苏凤凰文艺出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02094
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    Da hei gou = Blackdog / wen tu Liwei Pingfude (Levi Pin...

    大黑狗 = Blackdog / 文·圖 李維·平弗德 (Levi Pinford) ; 譯 陳佩筠.

    Da hei gou = Blackdog / wen tu Liwei Pingfude (Levi Pinford) ; yi Chen Peiyun.

    Author / Creator:Pinfold, Levi, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2013. | 台北市 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司, 2013.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2013/5838
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    Wu xian qin = The django / wen/tu, Liwei Pingfude (Levi...

    五弦琴 = The django / 文/圖, 李維 平弗德 (Levi Pinfold) ; 譯, 陳佩筠.

    Wu xian qin = The django / wen/tu, Liwei Pingfude (Levi Pinfold) ; yi, Chen Peiyun.

    Author / Creator:Pinfold, Levi, author.
    Publisher:Taibei Lian Jing Chu Ban Shi Ye Gu fen You Xian Gong Si, 2013.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2013/6203
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    Yu lang wei you / Aolifo Sheci wen ; Babala Suoerzi tu ...

    與狼為友 / 奧利佛·舍茨 文 ; 芭芭拉·索爾兹 圖 ; 巫亞芸 譯.

    Yu lang wei you / Aolifo Sheci wen ; Babala Suoerzi tu ; Wu Yayun yi.

    Author / Creator:Scherz, Oliver, 1974- author.
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Wei bo wen hua guo ji, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00927
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    中文大辭典 / 中文大辭典編纂委員會編纂 ; [監修張其昀 ; 主纂林尹, 高明].

    Zhong wen da ci dian / Zhong wen da ci dian bian zuan wei yuan hui bian zuan ; [jian xiu Zhang Qiyun ; zhu zuan Lin Yin, Gao Ming].

    Author / Creator: 中文大辭典編纂委員會.
    Publisher:[Yangming shan] : Zhongguo wen hua yan jiu suo ; Taibei Shi : Lian he chu ban fu wu zhong xin zong jing shou, Minguo 51-57 [1962-1968] | [陽明山] : 中國文化研究所 ; 臺北市 : 聯合出版服務中心總經售, 民國51-57 [1962-1968]
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Date:Minguo 51-57 [1962-1968]
    Call Numbers:TQ019201 , TQ019197 , TQ019204 , TQ019194 , TQ019202 , TQ019200 , TQ019199 , TQ019196 , TQ019195 , TQ019198 , TQ019167 , TQ019203 , TQ019205 , TQ019178 , TQ019181 , TQ019170 , TQ019169 , TQ019179 , TQ019177 , TQ019172 , TQ019166 , TQ019191 , TQ019168 , TQ019171 , TQ019176 , TQ019175 , TQ019174 , TQ019173 , TQ019192 , TQ019184 , TQ019193 , TQ019188 , TQ019189 , TQ019180 , TQ019190 , TQ019183 , TQ019182 , TQ019187 , TQ019186 , TQ019185
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