3,150 results for Yan,+Fang

3,150 results for Yan,+Fang

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    Yan jiu fang fa : bu zou hua xue xi zhi nan = Research ...

    硏究方法 : 步驟化學習指南 = Research methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners / Ranjit Kumar著 ; 潘中道, 胡龍騰譯.

    Yan jiu fang fa : bu zou hua xue xi zhi nan = Research methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners / Ranjit Kumar zhu ; Pan Zhongdao, Hu Longteng yi.

    Author / Creator:Kumar, Ranjit.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xue fu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2010. | 台北市 : 學富文化事業有限公司, 2010.
    Edition:2 ban. | 2版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1492
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    海防檔 / 中央研究院近代史研究所編.

    Hai fang dang / Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jin suo bian.

    Author / Creator:Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. Jin dai shi yan jiu suo. | 中央研究院. 近代史研究所
    Publisher:Taibei, : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo, Minguo 46 [1957] | 臺北, : 中央研究院近代史研究所, 民國46 [1957]
    Call Numbers:T0012682 , T0012681 , T0012677 , T0012674 , T0012680 , T0012679 , T0012678 , T0012676 , T0012675
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    中國遠古與太平印度兩洋的帆筏・戈船・方舟和樓船的硏究 / 凌純聲著.

    Zhongguo yuan gu yu Taiping Yindu liang yang de fan fa, ge chuan, fang zhou he lou chuan de yan jiu / Ling Chunsheng [zhu].

    Author / Creator:Ling, Chunsheng. | 凌純聲
    Publisher:Taibei : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan min zu xue yan jiu suo, Minguo 59 [1970] | 臺北 : 中央硏究院民族學硏究所, 民國59 [1970]Nankang, Taipei : Institute of Ethnology, 1970.
    Date:Minguo 59 [1970]
    Call Numbers:TQ028197
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    Su yan mei ren yang cheng zhong yi fang liao cai shi gu...

    素顔美人養成中醫芳療才是關鍵 : 女中醫師親授的60個芳療保養關鍵,不化妝也比明星美! / 有藤文香著.

    Su yan mei ren yang cheng zhong yi fang liao cai shi guan jian : nu zhong yi shi qin shou de 60 ge fang liao bao yang guan jian, bu hua zhuang ye bi ming xing mei ! / Youteng Wenxiang zhu.

    Author / Creator:Arito, Ayaka.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : San cai wen hua, 2011.
    Call Numbers:CHI/615.8/ARI
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    Chinese southern diaspora studies [electronic resource] = 南方華裔研究雜誌.

    Chinese southern diaspora studies [electronic resource] = Nan fang hua yi yan jiu za zhi.

    Publisher:Canberra, A.C.T. : ANU, Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora, 2007-
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    Research materials on contemporary China in the National Library of Australia = 澳洲国立圖書館当代中国研究资料目錄 / 澳大利亚国立圖書館東方部編.

    Research materials on contemporary China in the National Library of Australia = Aozhou guo li tu shu guan dang dai Zhongguo yan jiu zi liao mu lu / Aodaliya guo li tu shu guan dong fang bu bian.

    Author / Creator:National Library of Australia.
    Publisher:Canberra : National Library of Australia, 1970.
    Call Numbers:TQ002554
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    Lao nian bing zhong yi zhen jiu fang zhi zhuan jia tan ...

    老年病中医针灸防治专家谈 = Laonianbing zhongyi zhenjiu fangzhi zhuanjiatan / 主编 吴整军, 马朱红 ; 副主编 陈利平, 仝战旗, 钱妍 ; 编者 姜斌 ... [et al.].

    Lao nian bing zhong yi zhen jiu fang zhi zhuan jia tan = Laonianbing zongyi zhenjiu fangzhi zhuanjiatan / zhu bian Wu Zhengjun, Ma Zhuhong ; fu zhu bian Chen Liping, Tong Zhanqi, Qian Yan ; bian zhe J...

    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Ren min jun yi chu ban she, 2011. | 北京市 : 人民军医出版社, 2011.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/615.8/LAO
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    Budda ga sensei : kokoro o sodateru kodomo bukkyōjuku ...

    ブッダがせんせい : 心を育てるこども仏教塾 / 宮下真著 ; [名取芳彦監修].

    Budda ga sensei : kokoro o sodateru kodomo bukkyōjuku / Miyashita Makoto cho ; [Natori Hōgen kanshū].

    Author / Creator:Miyashita, Makoto. | 宮下真
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Nagaokashoten, 2012. | 東京 : 永岡書店, 2012.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/294.3/MIY
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    Tian kong 100 ceng de fang zi / Yanjing Junxiong zhu ; ...

    天空100层的房子 / 岩井俊雄著 ; 肖潇译.

    Tian kong 100 ceng de fang zi / Yanjing Junxiong zhu ; Xiao Xiao yi.

    Author / Creator:Iwai, Toshio author. | 岩井俊雄, author
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 2018. | 北京 : 北京科学技术出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00775
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    Karada no uchi kara genkiryoku appu taikan ekusasaizu /...

    体のうちから元気力UP体幹エクササイズ / 宮本英治講師 ; 岩間徹医学監修 ;日本放送協会,日本放送出版協会編集.

    Karada no uchi kara genkiryoku appu taikan ekusasaizu / Miyamoto Eiji kōshi ; Iwama Tetsu kanshū ; Nippon hōsō kyōkai, Nippon hōsō shuppan kyōkai henshū.

    Author / Creator:Miyamoto, Eiji, 1958- | 宮本英治, 1958-
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Nippon hōsō shuppankyōkai, 2010. | 東京 : 日本放送出版協会, 2010.
    Call Numbers:JPN/613.7/MIY
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    Minamienbudai shokou shūran no zo / Kabō Hyōdō.

    南閻浮提諸國集覽之圖 / 華坊兵蔵

    Minamienbudai shokou shūran no zo / Kabō Hyōdō.

    Publisher:[Toyko] Mikuniya Ryusuke [approximately 1850-1868] | 東都 三国谷龍助
    Call Numbers:M4 100/1850/1
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    Zhao Kuangyin yan yi [sound recording] : chang pian pin...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    趙匡胤演義 [sound recording] : 篇評書 / [孙惠文口述 ; 刘兰芳整理播讲].

    Zhao Kuangyin yan yi [sound recording] : chang pian ping shu / [Sun Huiwen kou shu ; Liu Lanfang zheng li bo jiang].

    Publisher:Beijing : Wan fang shu ju dian zi chu ban sh : Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si, [200-?] | 北京 : 万方数据电子出版社 : 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有 公司, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00365
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    Zhe shi wo men de fang zi / Maike Luosen wen ; Babu Ail...

    這是我們的房子 / 邁克・羅森 文 ; 巴布・葛拉漢圖 ; 劉清彥譯.

    Zhe shi wo men de fang zi / Maike Luosen wen ; Babu Ailahan tu ; Liu Qingyan yi.

    Author / Creator:Rosen, Michael. author.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi Dao sheng chu ban she, 2014. | 台北市 道聲出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2015/691
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    FBI yu CIA xin li shu : Meiguo lian bang diao cha ju Me...

    FBI 与 CIA 心理术 : 美国联邦调查局美国中央情报局教你无敌心里战术 / 鲁芳著.

    FBI yu CIA xin li shu : Meiguo lian bang diao cha ju Meiguo zhong yang qing bao ju jiao ni wu di xin li zhan shu / Lu Fang zhu.

    Author / Creator:Lu, Fang, author. | 鲁芳, author
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo fa zhi chu ban she, 2016. | 北京 中国法制出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 3 ban. | 第 3 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/153.6/LUF
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    Biological and integrated control of water hyacinth, Ei...

    Author / Creator:Global Working Group for the Biological and Integrated Control of Water Hyacinth. Meeting (2nd : 2000 : Beijing, China)
    Publisher:Canberra : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2001.
    Call Numbers:N632.5/8
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    Kongzi. Er [sound recording] / zhu jiang ren, Fang Erji...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    孔子. 贰 [sound recording] / 主讲人, 方尔加.

    Kongzi. Er [sound recording] / zhu jiang ren, Fang Erjia.

    Author / Creator:Fang, Erjia, 1955- | 方尔加, 1955-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo guo ji dian shi zong gong si, [2008]. | 北京 : 中国国际电视总公司, [2008].
    Call Numbers:CHI/181.1/FAN
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