3 results for Yantén,+Liliana

3 results for Yantén,+Liliana

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    Author / Creator:Espinosa, Rodrigo ; Gutiérrez, Karla ; Rios, Javiera ; Ormeño, Fernando ; Yantén, Liliana ; Galaz-Davison, Pablo ; Ramírez-Sarmiento, César A ; Parra, Valentina ; Albornoz, Amelina ; Alfaro, Iván E ; Burgos, Patricia V ; Morselli, Eugenia ; Criollo, Alfredo ; Budini, Mauricio
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Cells (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-03, Vol.11 (6), p.920
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    Author / Creator:Vega-Letter, Ana Maria ; García-Guerrero, Cynthia ; Yantén-Fuentes, Liliana ; Pradenas, Carolina ; Herrera-Luna, Yeimi ; Lara-Barba, Eliana ; Bustamante-Barrientos, Felipe A ; Rojas, Masyelly ; Araya, María Jesús ; Jeraldo, Nicole ; Aros, Constanza ; Troncoso, Francisca ; Poblete, Daniela ; Court, Angela ; Ortloff, Alexander ; Barraza, Jose ; Velarde, Francesca ; Farkas, Carlos ; Carril, Claudio ; Luque-Campos, Noymar ; Almarza, Gonzalo ; Barahona, Maximiliano ; Matas, Jose ; Cereceda, Lucas ; Lorca, Rocío ; Toledo, Jorge ; Oyarce, Karina ; Vernal, Rolando ; Caicedo, Andrés ; Del Campo, Andrea ; Hidalgo, Yessia ; Elizondo-Vega, Roberto ; Djouad, Farida ; Khoury, Maroun ; Figueroa, Fernando E ; Luz-Crawford, Patricia
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Journal of translational medicine, 2025-01, Vol.23 (1), p.26-14, Article 26
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    Author / Creator:Vega-Letter, Ana Maria ; García-Guerrero, Cynthia ; Yantén-Fuentes, Liliana ; Pradenas, Carolina ; Herrera-Luna, Yeimi ; Lara-Barba, Eliana ; Bustamante-Barrientos, Felipe A ; Rojas, Masyelly ; Araya, María Jesús ; Jeraldo, Nicole ; Aros, Constanza ; Troncoso, Francisca ; Poblete, Daniela ; Court, Angela ; Ortloff, Alexander ; Barraza, Jose ; Velarde, Francesca ; Farkas, Carlos ; Carril, Claudio ; Luque-Campos, Noymar ; Almarza, Gonzalo ; Barahona, Maximiliano ; Matas, Jose ; Cereceda, Lucas ; Lorca, Rocío ; Toledo, Jorge ; Oyarce, Karina ; Vernal, Rolando ; Caicedo, Andrés ; del Campo, Andrea ; Hidalgo, Yessia ; Elizondo-Vega, Roberto ; Djouad, Farida ; Khoury, Maroun ; Figueroa, Fernando E ; Luz-Crawford, Patricia
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Journal of Translational Medicine, 2025, Vol.23 (1)
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