4,631 results for Yao,+Wei

4,631 results for Yao,+Wei

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    Wei xian! qing bu yao an wo : duan pian tong hua ji / H...

    危險! 請不要按我 : 短篇童話集 / 侯維玲文 ; 黃文玉繪.

    Wei xian! qing bu yao an wo : duan pian tong hua ji / Hou Weiling wen ; Huang Wenyu hui.

    Author / Creator:Hou, Weiling, author. | 侯維玲, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Qin zi tian xia, 2017. | 台北市 : 親子天下, 2017.
    Edition:Di 2 ban. | 第二版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00655
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    Federal or national government publication | Journals

    違禁藥物 不言而喻的事實 / Australia. Department of health and aging.

    Wei jing yao wu : bu yan er yu de shi shi / Australia. Department of health and aging.

    Author / Creator:Australia. Department of Health and Ageing author.
    Publisher:[Canberra] Department of Health and Ageing, 2013.
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    Fei er wei shen me yao pu xiang wei xian de huo miao? :...

    飞蛾为什么要扑向危险的火苗? 成语中的动物世界 / 小牛顿科学教育有限公司编著

    Fei er wei shen me yao pu xiang wei xian de huo miao? : Cheng yu zhong de dong wu shi jie / Xiao Niudun ke xue jiao yu you xian gong si bian zhu.

    Publisher:Beijing : Xian dai chu ban she, 2018. | 北京 : 现代出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/590/FEI
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    Wo wei shen me yao shang xue? / Aosika Bonifei zhu ; Da...

    我為什麼要上學? / 奧斯卡‧ 柏尼菲 著 ; 戴芬妮‧ 杜朗 繪 ; 陳太乙 譯.

    Wo wei shen me yao shang xue? / Aosika Bonifei zhu ; Daifenni Dulang hui ; Chen Taiyi yi.

    Author / Creator:Brenifier, Oscar, author.
    Publisher:Taibei : Ai mi li chu ban you xian gong si, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01036
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    為什麼兒童需要免疫注射? = Why do children need immunisation? / NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service.

    Wei shen me er tong xu yao mian yi zhu she = Why do children need immunisation? / NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service.

    Publisher:Gladesville, NSW NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, [201X]
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    Qiu tian de wei xiao / Li Yao=李尧.

    Author / Creator:Li, Yao. | 李尧
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhong yang min zu xue yuan chu ban she,, 1988.北京 : 中央民族学院出版社,, 1988.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:895.1352/23
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    Wei shen me sha yu bu xu yao kan ya yi : Wei hai zi da ...

    为什么鲨鱼不需要看牙医 : 为孩子答疑的故事书 / [德]佩特拉·玛丽亚 ; 施密斯 .克里斯蒂安 著 ; [德]海克.福格尔 绘 ; 冯慧珊 译

    Wei shen me sha yu bu xu yao kan ya yi : Wei hai zi da yi de gu shi shu / [De]Peitela Shimite ; Kelisitian Deleile zhu ; Haike Fugeer hui ; Feng Huishan yi.

    Author / Creator:Schmitt, Petra Maria, 1959- author.
    Publisher:Tianjin : Tianjin ke ji fang yi chu ban you xian gong si, 2018. | 天津 : 天津科技翻译出版有限公司, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00788
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    Sa-pi-nan Wei-en-po / [fan i Yao Kuang-hsien].

    Author / Creator:Wurmbrand, Sabina.
    Publisher:Hsiang-kang : Hsien feng ch'u pan she, 1995.
    Edition:Ch'u pan.
    Call Numbers:T0375415
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    Zhi yao wo zhang da = When I grow up / Gan Wei zhu ; Ti...

    只要我長大 = When I grow up / 甘薇著 ; 鐵皮人科技圖

    Zhi yao wo zhang da = When I grow up / Gan Wei zhu ; Tiepirenkeji tu.

    Author / Creator:Gan, Wei, author. | 甘薇, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : You fu, 2018. | 臺北市 : 幼福, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00600
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    考慮要孩子 : 計劃懷孕与順利懷孕 / 新南威爾士州衛生部.

    Kao lu yao hai zi : ji hua huai yun yu shun li huai yun / Xin nan wei er shi zhou wei sheng bu.

    Author / Creator:NSW Health, author.
    Publisher:Gladesville, NSW NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, 20XX.
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    感冒,流感与其他感染,为什么有些人需要抗生素? : 55岁以上者及慢性病患者须知 / National prescribing service.

    Gan mao, liu gan yu qi ta gan ran, wei shen me you xie ren xu yao kang sheng su? : 55 sui yi shang zhe ji mang xing bing huan zhe xu zhi / National prescribing service.

    Author / Creator:National Prescribing Service (Australia) author.
    Publisher:Surry Hills, NSW National prescribing service, 2012.
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    過得好,因為我值得 : 落荒時刻不要逃 / 吳若權著 ; 安娜錄音.

    Guo de hao, yin wei wo zhi de : luo huang shi ke bu yao tao / Wu Ruoquan zhu ; Anna lu yin.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Ruoquan author. | 吳若權
    Publisher:[Taiwan] Haodoo.net.
    Listen online
    Freely accesible: Online.
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    Shu ye qun / Patelike Huaite ; Ni Weihong, Li Yao yi.

    树叶裙 / 帕特里克.怀特 ; 倪卫红, 李尧译.

    Shu ye qun / Patelike Huaite ; Ni Weihong, Li Yao yi.

    Author / Creator:White, Patrick, 1912-1990.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo wen xue chu ban she, 1993. | 北京 : 中国文学出版社, 1993.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:823.914/W587/103
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