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臺灣社區老年人虛弱症, 憂鬱症, 骨質疏鬆症之篩檢與整合型照護計畫衛教手冊 / [作者, 臺灣社區老年人虛弱症, 憂鬱症, 骨質疏鬆症之篩檢與整合型照護計畫研究團].
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張愛玲私語錄 / 張愛玲, 宋淇, 宋鄺文美著 ; 宋以朗主編.
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发现墨尔本 = Found in Melbourne : a counting adventure / 乔安.欧嘉恒 文 ; 宋钰 图 ; 杨瑜斌 译.
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鹬蚌相争 = The snipe and the clam / retold by Song Huaizhi ; translated by Liu Jun & Mark Ray.
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涸辙之鱼 = Fish in a drying rut / retold by Song Huaizhi ; translated by Liu Jun & Mark Ray.
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Decline and fall / Rae Desmond Jones ; translated by Song Zijiang and Hilda Tam Hio Man = 衰落與滅亡 / 雷·戴斯蒙德·鐘斯 ; 宋子江, 譚曉文譯.
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沙漠之旅 : 讀〈涼州詞〉= Desert tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Song of Liangzhou' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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我們的星星 : 讀《哥舒歌》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.
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小巾刺绣 : 入门与饰品制作 / [日] 河出书房新社编辑部编 ; 宋菲娅 译.
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뿌리 이야기 외 7편 : 2015년도 제 39회 이상문학상 작품집 / [김숨, 전성태, 조경란, 이평재, 윤성희, 손홍규, 한유주, 이장욱].
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自閉兒瑜珈療法 : 輕鬆改善自閉兒協調能力和平衡感 / 狄翁 貝慈, 史黛西 貝慈 合著 = Yoga for children with autism spectrum disorders / Dion E. Betts and Stacey W. Betts ; 嚴麗娟譯.