41 results for Yuan,+Shuo-Fu

41 results for Yuan,+Shuo-Fu

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    Hu shuo ba dao. 4, tou shi wen cuo lu / Liu Siyuan wen ...

    狐說八道. 4, 投石問錯鹿 / 劉思源文 ; 九子圖

    Hu shuo ba dao. 4, tou shi wen cuo lu / Liu Siyuan wen ; Jiuzi tu.

    Author / Creator:Liu, Siyuan, author. | 劉思源, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2018. | 臺北市 : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00620
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    Piao fu nan hai = The terrible thing that happened to B...

    飄浮男孩 = The terrible thing that happened to Barnaby Brocket / 約翰·波恩著 ; 奧利佛·傑法繪 ; 陳佳琳譯.

    Piao fu nan hai = The terrible thing that happened to Barnaby Brocket / Yuehan Boen zhu ; Aolifo Jiefa hui ; Chen Jialin yi.

    Author / Creator:Boyne, John, 1971- author.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2012. | 臺北市 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司, 2012.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2011
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    Ba ba, wo gen ni shuo ...... / wen, tu Migai'er Tanke ;...

    爸爸, 我跟你說 / 文・圖 米蓋爾・坦可 ; 譯吳鳳.

    Ba ba, wo gen ni shuo ...... / wen, tu Migai'er Tanke ; yi Wu Feng.

    Author / Creator:Tanco, Miguel, 1972- author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2018. | 台北市 : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00993
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    Xian dai Zhong wai shi pian pei le lang song. Er, Zhi q...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    现代中外诗篇配乐朗诵. 二, 挚情篇 [sound recording] / 上海音像出版社录音制作中心录制.

    Xian dai Zhong wai shi pian pei le lang song. Er, Zhi qing pian [sound recording] / Shanghai yin xiang chu ban she lu yin zhi zuo zhong xin lu zhi.

    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai yin xiang chu ban she, [2007].
    Call Numbers:CHI/01751
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao x...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 第1-10集, 苏文茂相声作品精选 [sound recording] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao xiang sheng zuo pin jing xuan [sound recording] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she ; Guangzhou Shi : Guangdong fei yue ying shi zhi pin you xian gong si, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社 ; 广州市 : 广东飞乐影视制品有限公司, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01744
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    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound r...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    王谦祥, 李增瑞相声全集 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化发展有限公司制作.

    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-?] | [北京] : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00385
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 4, Tiao wu ren xing an hao = Sh...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 4, 跳舞人形暗號 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 4, Tiao wu ren xing an hao = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00951
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 5, Basikeweier de lie quan = Sh...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 5, 巴斯克維爾的獵犬 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 5, Basikeweier de lie quan = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00952
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 1, Hong fa ju le bu = Sherlock ...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 1, 紅髮俱樂部 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 絵圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 1, Hong fa ju le bu = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00948
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 2, E yu lan bao shi = Sherlock ...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 2, 鵝與藍寶石 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 2, E yu lan bao shi = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00949
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 3, Zui hou yi an = Sherlock Hol...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 3, 最後一案 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 3, Zui hou yi an = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00950
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    Cao Chong cheng xiang / Yu Qingfeng zhu bian.

    曹冲称象 / 于清峰主编.

    Cao Chong cheng xiang / Yu Qingfeng zhu bian.

    Publisher:Changchun Shi : Beifang funü ertong chuban she, 2014. | 长春市 : 北方妇女儿童出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01020
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    Ge Rui de jiong ri ji. Lao ba bie bi wo / Jiefu Kenni (...

    葛瑞的囧日記. 老爸別逼我 / 傑夫.肯尼 (Jeff Kinney) 著 ; 胡培菱 譯.

    Ge Rui de jiong ri ji. Lao ba bie bi wo / Jiefu Kenni (Jeff Kinney) zhu ; Hu Peiling yi.

    Author / Creator:Kinney, Jeff, author.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Yuan jian tian xia wen hua, 2017. | 台北市 : 遠見天下文化, 2017.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00831
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    Meng de jie xi = The interpretation of dreams / [Ao] Xi...

    梦的解析 = The interpretation of dreams / [奥]西格蒙德·弗洛伊德著 ; 孙名之, 顾凯华, 冯华英译.

    Meng de jie xi = The interpretation of dreams / [Ao] Xigemengde Fuluoyide zhu ; Sun Mingzhi, Gu Kaihua, Feng Huaying yi.

    Author / Creator:Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Guo ji wen hua chu ban she, 2011. | 北京 : 国际文化出版社, 2011.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/150.1/FRE
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Johnston, Trevor G. ; Yuan, Shuo-Fu ; Wagner, James M. ; Yi, Xiunan ; Saha, Abhijit ; Smith, Patrick ; Nelson, Alshakim ; Alper, Hal S.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2020-02, Vol.11 (1), p.563-563, Article 563
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Yuan, Shuo‐Fu ; Guo, Gia‐Luen ; Hwang, Wen‐Song
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Microbial biotechnology, 2017-11, Vol.10 (6), p.1581-1590
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Yuan, Shuo-Fu ; Alper, Hal S
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Microbial cell factories, 2019-03, Vol.18 (1), p.46-46, Article 46
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Yuan, Shuo-Fu ; Yi, Xiunan ; Johnston, Trevor G ; Alper, Hal S
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Microbial cell factories, 2020-07, Vol.19 (1), p.143-12, Article 143
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