22 results for Yusuf,+Salim,+Prof

22 results for Yusuf,+Salim,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:Collins, Rory, Prof ; Reith, Christina, FRCP (Glasg.) ; Emberson, Jonathan, PhD ; Armitage, Jane, Prof ; Baigent, Colin, Prof ; Blackwell, Lisa, BSc ; Blumenthal, Roger, Prof ; Danesh, John, Prof ; Smith, George Davey, Prof ; DeMets, David, Prof ; Evans, Stephen, Prof ; Law, Malcolm, Prof ; MacMahon, Stephen, Prof ; Martin, Seth, MD ; Neal, Bruce, Prof ; Poulter, Neil, Prof ; Preiss, David, PhD ; Ridker, Paul, Prof ; Roberts, Ian, Prof ; Rodgers, Anthony, Prof ; Sandercock, Peter, Prof ; Schulz, Kenneth, Prof ; Sever, Peter, Prof ; Simes, John, Prof ; Smeeth, Liam, Prof ; Wald, Nicholas, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Peto, Richard, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-11, Vol.388 (10059), p.2532-2561
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    Author / Creator:O'Donnell, Martin J, Dr ; Chin, Siu Lim ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; Xavier, Denis, Prof ; Liu, Lisheng, Prof ; Zhang, Hongye, Prof ; Rao-Melacini, Purnima, MSc ; Zhang, Xiaohe, MSc ; Pais, Prem, Prof ; Agapay, Steven, BSc ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Damasceno, Albertino, MD ; Langhorne, Peter, Prof ; McQueen, Matthew J, Prof ; Rosengren, Annika, Prof ; Dehghan, Mahshid, PhD ; Hankey, Graeme J, Prof ; Dans, Antonio L, Prof ; Elsayed, Ahmed, Prof ; Avezum, Alvaro, Prof ; Mondo, Charles, Prof ; Diener, Hans-Christoph, Prof ; Ryglewicz, Danuta, Prof ; Czlonkowska, Anna, Prof ; Pogosova, Nana, Prof ; Weimar, Christian, Prof ; Iqbal, Romaina, PhD ; Diaz, Rafael, Prof ; Yusoff, Khalid, Prof ; Yusufali, Afzalhussein, Prof ; Oguz, Aytekin, Prof ; Wang, Xingyu, Prof ; Penaherrera, Ernesto, MD ; Lanas, Fernando, Prof ; Ogah, Okechukwu S, MD ; Ogunniyi, Adesola, Prof ; Iversen, Helle K, MD ; Malaga, German, Prof ; Rumboldt, Zvonko, Prof ; Oveisgharan, Shahram, Prof ; Al Hussain, Fawaz, MD ; Magazi, Daliwonga, MD ; Nilanont, Yongchai, MD ; Ferguson, John, PhD ; Pare, Guillaume, MD ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-08, Vol.388 (10046), p.761-775
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    Author / Creator:Hijazi, Ziad, Dr ; Oldgren, Jonas, PhD ; Lindbäck, Johan, MSc ; Alexander, John H, Prof ; Connolly, Stuart J, Prof ; Eikelboom, John W, MD ; Ezekowitz, Michael D, Prof ; Held, Claes, PhD ; Hylek, Elaine M, Prof ; Lopes, Renato D, PhD ; Siegbahn, Agneta, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Granger, Christopher B, Prof ; Wallentin, Lars, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-06, Vol.387 (10035), p.2302-2311
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    Author / Creator:Böhm, Michael, Prof ; Schumacher, Helmut, PhD ; Teo, Koon K, Prof ; Lonn, Eva M, Prof ; Mahfoud, Felix, MD ; Mann, Johannes F E, Prof ; Mancia, Giuseppe, Prof ; Redon, Josep, Prof ; Schmieder, Roland E, Prof ; Sliwa, Karen, Prof ; Weber, Michael A, Prof ; Williams, Bryan, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2017-06, Vol.389 (10085), p.2226-2237
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    Author / Creator:Leong, Darryl P, Dr ; Teo, Koon K, Prof ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Avezum, Alvaro, MD ; Orlandini, Andres, MD ; Seron, Pamela, MSc ; Ahmed, Suad H, PhD ; Rosengren, Annika, Prof ; Kelishadi, Roya, Prof ; Rahman, Omar, Prof ; Swaminathan, Sumathi, PhD ; Iqbal, Romaina, PhD ; Gupta, Rajeev, PhD ; Lear, Scott A, Prof ; Oguz, Aytekin, Prof ; Yusoff, Khalid, Prof ; Zatonska, Katarzyna, MD ; Chifamba, Jephat, MPhil ; Igumbor, Ehimario, Prof ; Mohan, Viswanathan, PhD ; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan, MD ; Gu, Hongqiu, PhD ; Li, Wei, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-07, Vol.386 (9990), p.266-273
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    Author / Creator:Whitlock, Richard P, Dr ; Devereaux, P J, Prof ; Teoh, Kevin H, MD ; Lamy, Andre, MD ; Vincent, Jessica, MSc ; Pogue, Janice, PhD ; Paparella, Domenico, MD ; Sessler, Daniel I, Prof ; Karthikeyan, Ganesan, MD ; Villar, Juan Carlos, MD ; Zuo, Yunxia, Prof ; Avezum, Álvaro, Prof ; Quantz, Mackenzie, MD ; Tagarakis, Georgios I, MD ; Shah, Pallav J, FRACS ; Abbasi, Seyed Hesameddin, MD ; Zheng, Hong, Prof ; Pettit, Shirley, RN ; Chrolavicius, Susan, BA ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-09, Vol.386 (10000), p.1243-1253
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    Author / Creator:Healey, Jeff S, Dr ; Oldgren, Jonas, MD ; Ezekowitz, Michael, Prof ; Zhu, Jun, MD ; Pais, Prem, Prof ; Wang, Jia, Msc ; Commerford, Patrick, MD ; Jansky, Petr, MD ; Avezum, Alvaro, MD ; Sigamani, Alben, MD ; Damasceno, Albertino, MD ; Reilly, Paul, PhD ; Grinvalds, Alex, BSc ; Nakamya, Juliet, PhD ; Aje, Akinyemi, MD ; Almahmeed, Wael, MD ; Moriarty, Andrew, MD ; Wallentin, Lars, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Connolly, Stuart J, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-09, Vol.388 (10050), p.1161-1169
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    Author / Creator:Wallentin, Lars, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Ezekowitz, Michael D, Prof ; Alings, Marco, MD ; Flather, Marcus, MD ; Franzosi, Maria Grazia, PhD ; Pais, Prem, Prof ; Dans, Antonio, Prof ; Eikelboom, John, MD ; Oldgren, Jonas, MD ; Pogue, Janice, PhD ; Reilly, Paul A, PhD ; Yang, Sean, MSc ; Connolly, Stuart J, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2010-09, Vol.376 (9745), p.975-983
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    Author / Creator:Jolly, Sanjit S, Dr ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Cairns, John, Prof ; Niemelä, Kari, Prof ; Xavier, Denis, MD ; Widimsky, Petr, Prof ; Budaj, Andrzej, Prof ; Niemelä, Matti, MD ; Valentin, Vicent, MD ; Lewis, Basil S, Prof ; Avezum, Alvaro, MD ; Steg, Philippe Gabriel, Prof ; Rao, Sunil V, MD ; Gao, Peggy, MSc ; Afzal, Rizwan, MSc ; Joyner, Campbell D, Prof ; Chrolavicius, Susan, BScN ; Mehta, Shamir R, MD
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2011, Vol.377 (9775), p.1409-1420
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    Author / Creator:O'Donnell, Martin J, Dr ; Xavier, Denis, Prof ; Liu, Lisheng, Prof ; Zhang, Hongye, Prof ; Chin, Siu Lim ; Rao-Melacini, Purnima, MSc ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; Islam, Shofiqul, MSc ; Pais, Prem, Prof ; McQueen, Matthew J, Prof ; Mondo, Charles, MD ; Damasceno, Albertino, Prof ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Hankey, Graeme J, Prof ; Dans, Antonio L, Prof ; Yusoff, Khalid, Prof ; Truelsen, Thomas, DMSc ; Diener, Hans-Christoph, Prof ; Sacco, Ralph L, Prof ; Ryglewicz, Danuta, Prof ; Czlonkowska, Anna, Prof ; Weimar, Christian, Prof ; Wang, Xingyu, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2010-07, Vol.376 (9735), p.112-123
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    Author / Creator:Khatib, Rasha, PhD ; McKee, Martin, Prof ; Shannon, Harry, Prof ; Chow, Clara, PhD ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; Teo, Koon, Prof ; Wei, Li, Prof ; Mony, Prem, MD ; Mohan, Viswanathan, MD ; Gupta, Rajeev, PhD ; Kumar, Rajesh, MD ; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai, Prof ; Lear, Scott A, Prof ; Diaz, Rafael, MD ; Avezum, Alvaro, PhD ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Lanas, Fernando, MD ; Yusoff, Khalid, Prof ; Ismail, Noorhassim, MD ; Kazmi, Khawar, MBBS ; Rahman, Omar, Prof ; Rosengren, Annika, Prof ; Monsef, Nahed, MD ; Kelishadi, Roya, Prof ; Kruger, Annamarie, Prof ; Puoane, Thandi, Prof ; Szuba, Andrzej, Prof ; Chifamba, Jephat, PhD ; Temizhan, Ahmet, MD ; Dagenais, Gilles, Prof ; Gafni, Amiram, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-01, Vol.387 (10013), p.61-69
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    Author / Creator:Diener, Hans-Christoph, Prof ; Connolly, Stuart J, Prof ; Ezekowitz, Michael D, Prof ; Wallentin, Lars, Prof ; Reilly, Paul A, PhD ; Yang, Sean, MSc ; Xavier, Denis, MD ; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2010-12, Vol.9 (12), p.1157-1163
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    Author / Creator:Smyth, Andrew, Dr ; Teo, Koon K, Prof ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; O'Donnell, Martin, PhD ; Zhang, Xiaohe, MSc ; Rana, Punam, MD ; Leong, Darryl P, PhD ; Dagenais, Gilles, Prof ; Seron, Pamela, MSc ; Rosengren, Annika, Prof ; Schutte, Aletta E, Prof ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Oguz, Ayetkin, Prof ; Chifamba, Jephat, MPhil ; Diaz, Rafael, MD ; Lear, Scott, Prof ; Avezum, Alvaro, PhD ; Kumar, Rajesh, MD ; Mohan, Viswanathan, MD ; Szuba, Andrzej, Prof ; Wei, Li, PhD ; Yang, Wang, MD ; Jian, Bo, BSc ; McKee, Martin, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-11, Vol.386 (10007), p.1945-1954
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    Author / Creator:Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Islam, Shofiqul, MSc ; Chow, Clara K, PhD ; Rangarajan, Sumathy, MSc ; Dagenais, Gilles, Prof ; Diaz, Rafael, MD ; Gupta, Rajeev, PhD ; Kelishadi, Roya, Prof ; Iqbal, Romaina, PhD ; Avezum, Alvaro, MD ; Kruger, Annamarie, Prof ; Kutty, Raman, Prof ; Lanas, Fernando, MD ; Lisheng, Liu, Prof ; Wei, Li, Prof ; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Prof ; Oguz, Aytekin, MD ; Rahman, Omar, Prof ; Swidan, Hany, MD ; Yusoff, Khalid, Prof ; Zatonski, Witold, Prof ; Rosengren, Annika, Prof ; Teo, Koon K, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2011-10, Vol.378 (9798), p.1231-1243
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    Author / Creator:Jolly, Sanjit S, Dr ; Cairns, John A, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; Rokoss, Michael J, MD ; Gao, Peggy, MSc ; Meeks, Brandi, MEng ; Kedev, Sasko, Prof ; Stankovic, Goran, MD ; Moreno, Raul, MD ; Gershlick, Anthony, Prof ; Chowdhary, Saqib, MD ; Lavi, Shahar, MD ; Niemela, Kari, MD ; Bernat, Ivo, MD ; Cantor, Warren J, MD ; Cheema, Asim N, MD ; Steg, Philippe Gabriel, Prof ; Welsh, Robert C, Prof ; Sheth, Tej, MD ; Bertrand, Olivier F, MD ; Avezum, Alvaro, Prof ; Bhindi, Ravinay, MBBS ; Natarajan, Madhu K, Prof ; Horak, David, MD ; Leung, Raymond C M, MD ; Kassam, Saleem, MD ; Rao, Sunil V, MD ; El-Omar, Magdi, MD ; Mehta, Shamir R, Prof ; Velianou, James L, MD ; Pancholy, Samir, MD ; Džavík, Vladimír, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-01, Vol.387 (10014), p.127-135
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    Author / Creator:Mehta, Shamir R, Dr ; Tanguay, Jean-Francois, MD ; Eikelboom, John W, MD ; Jolly, Sanjit S, MD ; Joyner, Campbell D, Prof ; Granger, Christopher B, MD ; Faxon, David P, Prof ; Rupprecht, Hans-Jurgen, MD ; Budaj, Andrzej, Prof ; Avezum, Alvaro, MD ; Widimsky, Petr, Prof ; Steg, Philippe Gabriel, Prof ; Bassand, Jean-Pierre, Prof ; Montalescot, Gilles, MD ; Macaya, Carlos, MD ; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe, MD ; Niemela, Kari, MD ; Ajani, Andrew E, MD ; White, Harvey D, Prof ; Chrolavicius, Susan, BA ; Gao, Peggy, MSc ; Fox, Keith AA, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2010-10, Vol.376 (9748), p.1233-1243
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    Author / Creator:Mann, Johannes FE, Prof ; Schmieder, Roland E, Prof ; McQueen, Matthew, Prof ; Dyal, Leanne, MSc ; Schumacher, Helmut, MD ; Pogue, Janice, PhD ; Wang, Xingyu, PhD ; Maggioni, Aldo, MD ; Budaj, Andrzej, MD ; Chaithiraphan, Suphachai, Prof ; Dickstein, Kenneth, MD ; Keltai, Matyas, Prof ; Metsärinne, Kaj, MD ; Oto, Ali, Prof ; Parkhomenko, Alexander, MD ; Piegas, Leopoldo S, MD ; Svendsen, Tage L, MD ; Teo, Koon K, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2008-08, Vol.372 (9638), p.547-553
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    Author / Creator:Diener, Hans-Christoph, Prof, Dr ; Eikelboom, John, Prof ; Connolly, Stuart J, Prof ; Joyner, Campbell D, Prof ; Hart, Robert G, Prof ; Lip, Gregory YH, Prof ; O'Donnell, Martin, MD ; Hohnloser, Stefan H, Prof ; Hankey, Graeme J, Prof ; Shestakovska, Olga, MSc ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2012-03, Vol.11 (3), p.225-231
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    Author / Creator:Jackson, Colette E, MB ChB ; Solomon, Scott D, MD ; Gerstein, Hertzel C, Prof ; Zetterstrand, Sofia, PhD ; Olofsson, Bertil, PhD ; Michelson, Eric L, Prof ; Granger, Christopher B, Prof ; Swedberg, Karl, Prof ; Pfeffer, Marc A, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof ; McMurray, John JV, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2009-08, Vol.374 (9689), p.543-550
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    Author / Creator:Xavier, Denis, MD ; Pais, Prem, Prof ; Devereaux, PJ, MD ; Xie, Changchun, PhD ; Prabhakaran, D, DM ; Reddy, K Srinath, Prof ; Gupta, Rajeev, Prof ; Joshi, Prashant, MD ; Kerkar, Prafulla, Prof ; Thanikachalam, S, Prof ; Haridas, KK, Prof ; Jaison, TM, Prof ; Naik, Sudhir, Prof ; Maity, AK, Prof ; Yusuf, Salim, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2008-04, Vol.371 (9622), p.1435-1442
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