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越界 / 章緣 著.
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时间大劫案 = Time out of time / 亚历克斯·伍尔夫著 ; 张涵, 张朋亮译.
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借尾巴 = Borrowing a tail / by Songying Lin ; illustrated by Le Zhang ; translated by Duncan Poupard.
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世界简史 = A very short history of the world / 杰弗里·布莱恩著 ; 何顺果, 张孟媛译.
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學前教育簡介 : 學前教育家長指南 / NSW, Department of education and training.
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Shang Han Lun explained : a guided tour of an ancient classic text written by Zhang Zhong Jing in 200AD and its modern clinical applications / compiled and translated by Greta Young Jie De, Robin Marchment = 伤寒论讲解!d蘐%床心得 / compiled and translated by 杨"H@德, Robin Marchment.
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32街的偽鈔天才 / 傑森 柯斯坦著 ; 張美惠譯 = The art of making money : the story of a master counterfeiter / Jason Kersten.
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谁在掌控你的人生 : 破解生命的四大魔咒 / 韦志中著.
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Летото на Поер / Џанг Гие ; превод од англиски јазик Сибел Ајдинова
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大家都有罪? : 瞭解人性七大罩門, 掌握你的成功優勢 = The science of sin : the psychology of the seven deadlies / 賽門·拉漢著 ; 陳維真譯.
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唐詩初階 / 陸鏢章著.
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张培力 : 2010年中国当代艺术奖, 终身成就奖 = Zhang Peili : 2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Award, Lifetime Contribution / [编辑黄洁慧 ; 翻译 Lisa Movius].