3 results for Zhao,+Joseph+Jonathan

3 results for Zhao,+Joseph+Jonathan

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Fong, Khi Yung ; Zhao, Joseph Jonathan ; Sultana, Rehena ; Lee, Joycelyn Jie Xin ; Lee, Suat Ying ; Chan, Stephen Lam ; Yau, Thomas ; Tai, David Wai Meng ; Sundar, Raghav ; Too, Chow Wei
    Publisher:Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger AG
    Journal title:Liver cancer (Basel ), 2023-02, Vol.12 (1), p.7-18
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Provenzano, Leonardo ; Gwee, Yong Xiang ; Conca, Veronica ; Lonardi, Sara ; Bozzarelli, Silvia ; Tamburini, Emiliano ; Passardi, Alessandro ; Zaniboni, Alberto ; Tosi, Federica ; Aprile, Giuseppe ; Nasca, Vincenzo ; Boccaccino, Alessandra ; Ambrosini, Margherita ; Vetere, Guglielmo ; Carullo, Martina ; Guaglio, Marcello ; Battaglia, Luigi ; Zhao, Joseph Jonathan ; Chia, Daryl Kai Ann ; Yong, Wei Peng ; Tan, Patrick ; So, Jimmy ; Kim, Guowei ; Shabbir, Asim ; Ong, Chin-Ann Johnny ; Casella, Francesco ; Cremolini, Chiara ; Bencivenga, Maria ; Sundar, Raghav ; Pietrantonio, Filippo
    Publisher:London, England: SAGE Publications
    Journal title:Therapeutic advances in medical oncology, 2024-01, Vol.16, p.17588359241289517
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    Author / Creator:Fong, Khi Yung ; Zhao, Joseph Jonathan ; Sultana, Rehena ; Lee, Joycelyn Jie Xin ; Lee, Suat Ying ; Chan, Stephen Lam ; Yau, Thomas
    Publisher:S. Karger AG
    Journal title:Liver Cancer, 2023, Vol.12 (1), p.7
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