1,023 results for Zheng,+Ling

1,023 results for Zheng,+Ling

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    Luoxi ji hua = The Rosie project / (Ao) Geleimu Xinpush...

    罗茜计划 = The Rosie project / (澳)格雷姆·辛浦生(Graeme Simsion)著 ; 郑玲译.

    Luoxi ji hua = The Rosie project / (Ao) Geleimu Xinpusheng (Graeme Simsion) zhu ; Zheng Ling yi.

    Author / Creator:Simsion, Graeme C. author.
    Publisher:Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she 2016. | 长沙 湖南文艺出版社 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02048
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    Feng mi se de yan jing / Zheng Ziling.

    蜂蜜色的眼睛 / 鄭梓靈.

    Feng mi se de yan jing / Zheng Ziling.

    Author / Creator:Zheng, Ziling. | 鄭梓靈
    Publisher:Xianggang : Huang guan chu ban she (Xianggang) you xian gong si, 2008. | 香港 : 皇冠出版社(香港)有限公司, 2008.
    Edition:Xianggang chu ban. | 香港初版.
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    Dao xian zai hai xiang ni / Zheng Ziling zhu.

    到現在還想你 / 鄭梓靈著.

    Dao xian zai hai xiang ni / Zheng Ziling zhu.

    Author / Creator:Zheng, Ziling, author.
    Publisher:Xianggang : [Publisher not identified], 2016.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02070
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    Ni, ceng jing shi wo zui xiang kao jin de ren / Zheng Z...

    你,曾經是我最想靠近的人 / 鄭梓靈

    Ni, ceng jing shi wo zui xiang kao jin de ren / Zheng Ziling.

    Author / Creator:Zheng, Ziling, author.
    Publisher:Xianggang : Huang guan, 2016.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02027
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    "Hainichi iminhō" to tatakatta gaikōkan : sen-kyūhya...

    「排日移民法」と闘った外交官 : 一九二〇年代日本外交と駐米全権大使・埴原正直 / チャオ埴原三鈴, 中馬清福著.

    "Hainichi iminhō" to tatakatta gaikōkan : sen-kyūhyaku-nijū nendai Nihon gaikō to Chūbei Zenken Taishi Hanihara Masanao / Chao Hanihara Misuzu, Chūma Kiyofuku cho.

    Author / Creator:Chow, Misuzu Hanihara. author.
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Fujiwara Shoten, 2011. | 東京 : 藤原書店, 2011.Tōkyō : Fujiwara Shoten, 2011. | 東京 : 藤原書店, 2011.
    Edition:Shohan. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:G 2021/4326
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    2017 ban "yong qing chang xin" Aodaliya you xiu PPP cao...

    2017版"永青常新"澳大利亚优秀PPP操作方法手册中国政府官员2017年后的项目提供参考 / [澳大利亚] Pete Bannister著 ; 刘姿呈译.

    2017 ban "yong qing chang xin" Aodaliya you xiu PPP cao zuo fang fa shou ce Zhongguo zheng fu guan yuan 2017 nian hou de xiang mu ti gong can kao / [Aodaliya] Pete Bannister zhu ; Liu Zicheng yi.

    Author / Creator:Bannister, Pete, author.
    Publisher:Sydney, [New South Wales] : Sine Iactura Pty Limited, [2018]
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:H 2019/3707
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    Chi tu : qiang jian chang dao, ti sheng mian yi de zhen...

    吃土 : 强健肠道、提升免疫的整体健康革命 = Eat dirt : why leaky gut may be the root cause of your health problems and 5 surprising steps to cure it / [美] 乔希 阿克斯 (Josh Axe) 著 ; 王凌波、魏宁 译.

    Chi tu : qiang jian chang dao, ti sheng mian yi de zheng ti jian kang ge ming = Eat dirt : why leaky gut may be the root cause of your health problems and 5 surprising steps to cure it / [Mei] Qiaoxi...

    Author / Creator:Axe, Josh, author.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Beijing lian he chu ban gong si, 2018. | 北京市 : 北京联合出版公司, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第 1 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/616.3/AXE
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    Item 18: Photographs of Asia, ca. 1890s-ca. 1920 / from...
    Pictures | Photographs

    Date:ca. 1890s-ca. 1920
    Call Numbers:PX*D 151/vol. 3
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    Sou jiu shu / Zheng Kaihui zhu.

    搜救鼠 / 郑开慧 著.

    Sou jiu shu / Zheng Kaihui zhu.

    Author / Creator:Zheng, Kaihui, author. | 郑开慧, author
    Publisher:Fu Jian : Fu Jian shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2018. | 福建 : 福建少年儿童出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00693
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    Yi qian ling yi ye [sound recording] / Beijing jiao yu ...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    一千零一夜 [sound recording] / 北京教育科学研究院, 早期教育研究所监制.

    Yi qian ling yi ye [sound recording] / Beijing jiao yu ke xue yan jiu yuan, zao qi jiao yu yan jiu suo jian zhi.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing pu jiao dian zi yin xiang chu ban she, [2005]. | 北京 : 北京普敎电子音像出版社, [2005].
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00147
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    Shi zao yu, bu shi pan ni : qing shao nian zao yu zheng...

    是躁鬱, 不是叛逆 : 青少年躁鬱症完全手册 / 作者 : 大卫 · 米克罗威兹, 伊莉莎白 · 乔治 ; 翻译 : 丁凡.

    Shi zao yu, bu shi pan ni : qing shao nian zao yu zheng wan quan shou ce / zuo zhe, Dawei Mikeluoweizi, Yilishabai Qiaozhi ; fan yi, Ding Fan.

    Author / Creator:Miklowitz, David Jay, 1957-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin ling gong fang wen hua, 2010. | 台北市 : 心靈工坊文化, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/616.8/MIK
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    Po xiao kai zhan = Tomorrow, when the war began / Yueha...

    破曉開戰 = Tomorrow, when the war began / 約翰・馬斯坦著 ; 周怡伶譯.

    Po xiao kai zhan = Tomorrow, when the war began / Yuehan Masitan zhu ; Zhou Yiling yi.

    Author / Creator:Marsden, John, 1950-
    Publisher:Taibei shi : Yuan liu chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2011. | 台北市 : 遠流出版事業股份有限公司, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1478
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Yi, di 1-10 ji, Ma Ji xia...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 壹, 第1-10集, 马季相声集 [sound recording ] = Chinese comedy dialogue / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Yi, di 1-10 ji, Ma Ji xiang sheng ji [sound recording ] = Chinese comedy dialogue / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01740
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao x...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 第1-10集, 苏文茂相声作品精选 [sound recording] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao xiang sheng zuo pin jing xuan [sound recording] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she ; Guangzhou Shi : Guangdong fei yue ying shi zhi pin you xian gong si, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社 ; 广州市 : 广东飞乐影视制品有限公司, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01744
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