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蝕刻之城 / 克絲汀 · 畢夏 著 ; 周沛郁 譯 = The etched city / K.J. Bishop.
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蝕刻之城 / 克絲汀 · 畢夏 著 ; 周沛郁 譯 = The etched city / K.J. Bishop.
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在號子遇到凱因斯 / 作者賈斯廷・華許 ; 譯者周沛郁 = Keynes and the market : how the world's greatest economist overturned conventional wisdom and made a fortune on the stock market / Justyn Walsh.
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我叫刘跃进 [sound recording] / 刘震云著.
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安徒生童话全集 [sound recording] = Andersen fairy tales / [安徒生著].
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格林童话全集 [sound recording] = Grimm's fairy tales / [原著, 格林兄弟] ; 康瑛, 周正演播.
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我願意為你解盤?! / 黃國華.
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奧菲斯悲曲 = Orpheus lost / 珍妮.特納.哈詩畢多(Janette Turner Hospital)著 ; 劉震宇譯.
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千萬別跑 : 我在波札那狩獵營擔任導遊的故事 = Whatever you do, don't run : true tales of a Botswana safari guide / 彼得.艾力森(Peter Allison)著 ; 曾志傑譯.
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