92 results for Zhu,+Dong‐Ya

92 results for Zhu,+Dong‐Ya

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    Xiao gu chui, dong dong dong = Knick knack paddy whack ...

    小鼓槌, 咚咚咚 = Knick knack paddy whack / 光脚丫童书社 著 ; 克里斯蒂亚娜·恩格尔 绘.

    Xiao gu chui, dong dong dong = Knick knack paddy whack / Guang jiao ya tong shu she zhu ; Kelisidiya'na Enge'er hui.

    Author / Creator:Engel, Christiane, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00528
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    Dong nan Ya shi = Southeast Asia : an introductory hist...

    东南亚史 = Southeast Asia : an introductory history / 米尔顿・奥斯本著 ; 郭继光译.

    Dong nan Ya shi = Southeast Asia : an introductory history / Mi'erdun Aosiben zhu ; Guo Jiguang yi.

    Author / Creator:Osborne, Milton E, author.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi Shang wu yin shu guan, 2012. | 北京市 商务印书馆, 2012.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:H 2015/2495
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    Dong wu yao bai wu = The animal boogie / Guang jiao ya ...

    动物摇摆舞 = The animal boogie / 光脚丫童书社 著 ; 戴比·哈特 绘.

    Dong wu yao bai wu = The animal boogie / Guang jiao ya tong shu she zhu ; Daibi Hate hui.

    Author / Creator:Harter, Debbie, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00529
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    Dong nan Ya de mao yi shi dai : 1450-1680 nian / Andong...

    东南亚的贸易时代 : 1450-1680年 / 安东尼・瑞德著 ; 吴小安, 孙来臣, 李塔娜译 ; 孙来臣审校.

    Dong nan Ya de mao yi shi dai : 1450-1680 nian / Andongni Ruide zhu ; Wu Xiao'an, Sun Laichen, Li Tana yi ; Sun Laichen shen jiao.

    Author / Creator:Reid, Anthony, 1939-
    Publisher:Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2010. | 北京 : 商务印书馆, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1911 , H 2013/1910
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    Hyōjun dai tōa bunzu. 13, Serebesu Morukka shotō / S...

    標準大東亜分図. 13, セレベスモルッカ諸島 / 芹澤馨吾編.

    Hyōjun dai tōa bunzu. 13, Serebesu Morukka shotō / Serizawa Keigo hen.

    Author / Creator:Serizawa, Keigo, author. | 芹澤馨吾, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō Tōseisha, Shōwa 18 [1943] | 東京 統正社, 昭和 18 [1943]
    Call Numbers:M2 476/1943/2
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    Nü xing Pulati : ti tai gai shan yu xing ti su zao de ...

    女性普拉提 : 体态改善与形体塑造的动作练习和方案设计 / 新井亚树 主编 ; 刘迪 译.

    Nü xing Pulati : ti tai gai shan yu xing ti su zao de dong zuo lian xi he fang an she ji / Xinjing Yashu zhu bian ; Liu Di yi.

    Publisher:Beijing : Ren min you dian chu ban she, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/613.7/NUX
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    臺灣變遷中的農業社會 / 吳聰賢等著 = Taiwan's changing rural society / Wu Tsong-Shien etc.

    Taiwan bian qian zhong de nong ye she hui / Wu Congxian deng zhu = Taiwan's changing rural society / Wu Tsong-Shien etc.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Tsong-shien.
    Publisher:Zhonghua Minguo Taiwan sheng Taibei shi Shilin qu : Zhongguo min su xue hui : Dong fang wen hua shu ju, 1973. | 中華民國台灣省台北市士林區 : 中國民俗學會 : 東方文化書局, 1973.
    Call Numbers:T0185015 , T0185014
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    Aodaliya guo ji si fa yan jiu / Dong Liping zhu.

    澳大利亚国际私法研究 / 董丽萍著.

    Aodaliya guo ji si fa yan jiu / Dong Liping zhu.

    Author / Creator:Dong, Liping. | 董丽萍
    Publisher:Beijing : Fa lü chu ban she, 1999. | 北京 : 法律出版社, 1999.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:340.9/13
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    1000 wan ren du shuo you xiao de qing song jie yan fa /...

    1000萬人都說有效的輕鬆戒菸法 / 亞倫・卡爾著 (Allen Carr) ; [譯者, 嚴冬冬].

    1000 wan ren du shuo you xiao de qing song jie yan fa / Yalun Ka'er (Allen Carr) zhu ; [yi zhe, Yan Dongdong].

    Author / Creator:Carr, Allen, 1934-2006.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si Taiwan fen gong si, 2011. | 台北市 : 高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/616.8/CAR
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    Na xie nan ren de gu shi / Dongni Pasensi zhu ; Chen Ya...

    那些男人的故事 / 東尼帕森斯著 ; 陳雅汝譯.

    Na xie nan ren de gu shi / Dongni Pasensi zhu ; Chen Yaru yi.

    Author / Creator:Parsons, Tony, 1953-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Shang zhou Chu Ban, 2010. | 臺北市 : 商周出版, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01679
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    Quan min shu xie yun dong : gai xie mei ti, jiao yu, qi...

    全民書寫運動 : 改寫媒體,教育,企業運作規則, 你不可不知的數位文化素養 = The uses of digital literacy / 約翰.哈特利(John Hartley)著 ; 鄭百雅譯 ; 簡妙如審定.

    Quan min shu xie yun dong : gai xie mei ti, jiao yu, qi ye yun zuo gui ze, ni bu ke bu zhi de shu wei wen hua su yang = The uses of digital literacy / Yuehan Hateli (John Hartley) zhu ; Zheng Baiya yi...

    Author / Creator:Hartley, John, 1948-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Man uou zhe wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2012. | 臺北市 : 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2012.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1465
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    Aodaliya zi you xing / Ye Yonglie zhu.

    澳大利亚自由行 / 叶永烈著.

    Aodaliya zi you xing / Ye Yonglie zhu.

    Author / Creator:Ye, Yonglie. | 叶永烈
    Publisher:Shanghai Shi : Dong fang chu ban zhong xin, 2008. | 上海市 : 東方出版中心, 2008.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:919.404/79
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    Miya lai le. 3, Ao'erjia nai nai de bai ma wang zi / Su...

    米娅来了. 3, 奥尔加奶奶的白马王子 / [德] 苏珊 菲尔舍尔 著 ; 董芊羽, 邓康宁 译.

    Miya lai le. 3, Ao'erjia nai nai de bai ma wang zi / Susanne Fülscher zhu ; Dong Qianyu, Deng Kangning yi.

    Author / Creator:Fülscher, Susanne, author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhong guo guo ji guang po chu ban she, 2018. | 北京 : 中国国际广播出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00704
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 4, Tiao wu ren xing an hao = Sh...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 4, 跳舞人形暗號 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 4, Tiao wu ren xing an hao = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00951
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 1, Hong fa ju le bu = Sherlock ...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 1, 紅髮俱樂部 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 絵圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 1, Hong fa ju le bu = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00948
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 5, Basikeweier de lie quan = Sh...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 5, 巴斯克維爾的獵犬 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 5, Basikeweier de lie quan = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00952
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 2, E yu lan bao shi = Sherlock ...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 2, 鵝與藍寶石 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 2, E yu lan bao shi = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00949
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    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 3, Zui hou yi an = Sherlock Hol...

    名偵探福爾摩斯. 3, 最後一案 = Sherlock Holmes / 原著 亞瑟‧柯南‧道爾 ; 編著 蘆邊拓 ; 繪圖 城咲綾 ; 翻譯 張東君.

    Ming zhen tan Fuermosi. 3, Zui hou yi an = Sherlock Holmes / yuan zhu Yase Kenan Daoer ; bian zhu Lubian Tuo ; hui tu Chengxiao Ling ; fan yi Zhang Dongjun.

    Author / Creator:Ashibe, Taku, 1958- author. | 蘆邊拓, 1958-,, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00950
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    Gei er tong de wei lai ke xue shu. tai kong shi dai / (...

    给儿童的未来科学书. 太空时代 / (英)费利西娅 劳 (Felicia Law) 等著 ; 迈克 菲利普斯 (Mike Phillips), 亚当·林立 (Adam Linly), 莫雷诺 基亚纪耶拉 (Moreno Chiachiera) 绘 ; 陶尚芸译

    Gei er tong de wei lai ke xue shu. tai kong shi dai / (Ying) Feilixiya Lao (Felicia Law) deng zhu ; Maike Feilipusi (Mile Phillips), Yadang Linli (Adam Linly), Moleiruo Jiyajiyela (Moreno Chiachiera...

    Author / Creator:Law, Felicia, author. | 劳 费利西娅, author
    Publisher:Beijing : Dian zi dong ye chu ban she, 2018. | 北京 : :电子工业出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/629.4/LAW
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