373 results for Zuo,+Ping

373 results for Zuo,+Ping

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    水系大师情 : 中澳水彩画名家作品集 = Across the water : China - Australia modern masters of watercolour / editor: 陈希旦 ; translation: Chen, Jo Jo.

    Shui xi da shi qing : Zhong Ao shui cai hua min jia zuo ping ji = Across the water : China - Australia modern masters of watercolour / editor: Chen, Xidan ; translation: Chen, Jo Jo.

    Publisher:[Xianggang] Xianggang xin yuan mei shu chu ban she, 2014. | [香港 ] 香港心源美术出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2016/1125
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    Xue ling long [sound recording] / [yuan zhu, Bi Shumin]...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    血玲珑 [sound recording] / [原著, 毕淑敏] ; 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有 公司制作.

    Xue ling long [sound recording] / [yuan zhu, Bi Shumin] ; Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.yan bo, Jiang Ping].

    Author / Creator:Bi, Shumin, 1952- | 毕淑敏, 1952-
    Publisher:Beijing : Wan fang shu ju dian zi chu ban she, [200-?] | 北京 : 万方数据电子出版社, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00414
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    Dangōo desu / Hirata Masahiro saku ; Hirata Kei e.

    だんごうおです。 / 平田昌広作 ; 平田景絵.

    Dangōo desu / Hirata Masahiro saku ; Hirata Kei e.

    Author / Creator:Hirata, Masahiro. | 平田昌広
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Tokumashoten, 2012. | 東京 : 徳間書店, 2012.
    Edition:Shohan. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/639.3/HIR
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    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng ...

    還給自己美肌膚, 簡單小保養, 能做到 : 名醫親授"原因療法", 5絕招重拾鎖水力與免疫屏障, 徹底擺脫暗沉, 堵塞, 過敏, 發炎等惱人皮膚問題 / 菊池新著 ; 蘇暐婷譯.

    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng zuo dao : ming yi qin shou"yuan yin liao fa" , 5 jue zhao chong shi suo shui li yu mian yi ping zhang, che di bai tuo an chen, du se, guo min, fa...

    Author / Creator:Kikuchi, Arata, author. | 菊池新, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Fang yan wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si, 2019. | 臺北市 : 方言文化出版事業有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/646.7/KIK
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    Gu yin : chidai xi kou gong yuan, 3 = Ikebukuro West Ga...

    Author / Creator:Ishida, Ira, 1960- author. | 石田衣良, 1960- author
    Publisher:Xin bei shi xin dian qu : Mu ma chu ban : Yuan zu fa xing, 2016. | 新北市新店區 木馬出版 遠足發行 2016.
    Edition:Er ban. | 二版
    Call Numbers:CHI/02074
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    Hanasaki yama / Saitō Ryūsuke, saku ; Takidaira Jirō...

    花さき山 / 斎藤隆介作 ; 滝平二郎絵.

    Hanasaki yama / Saitō Ryūsuke, saku ; Takidaira Jirō, e.

    Author / Creator:Saitō, Ryūsuke, 1917-1985. | 斎藤隆介, 1917-1985
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Iwasaki Shoten, [1969] | 東京 : 岩崎書店, [1969]
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/00929
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    Mitsuya Seizaemon zanjitsuroku / Fujisawa Shūhei.

    三屋清左衛門残目録 / 藤沢周平.

    Mitsuya Seizaemon zanjitsuroku / Fujisawa Shūhei.

    Author / Creator:Fujisawa, Shūhei, 1927-1997 author. | 藤沢周平, 1927-1997, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Bungei Shunjū, 1992.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00879
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    オーストラリアの文学 : 短編傑作選 / 平松幹夫編訳.

    Ōsutoraria no bungaku : tanpen kessakusen / Hiramatsu Mikio hen, yaku.

    Author / Creator:Hiramatsu, Mikio, 1903- ed. | 平松幹夫, 1903-, ed
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Saimaru Shuppankai,, 1982. | 東京 : サイマル出版会,, 1982.
    Call Numbers:N823.30109/1 , 823.30109/1 , N823.30109/1A
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    Bokura no taiheiyō sensō / Sōda Osamu saku ; Hashimo...

    ぼくらの太平洋戦争 / 宗田理作 ; はしもとしん絵.

    Bokura no taiheiyō sensō / Sōda Osamu saku ; Hashimoto Shin e.

    Author / Creator:Sōda, Osamu. | 宗田理
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kadokawa, 2014. | 東京 KADOKAWA, 2014.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/00381
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    Maku ga agaru / Hirata Oriza gensaku ; Kiyasu Kōhei ky...

    幕が上がる / 平田オリザ原作 ; 喜安浩平脚本 ; 古閑万希子文 ; ほおのきソラ絵.

    Maku ga agaru / Hirata Oriza gensaku ; Kiyasu Kōhei kyakuhon ; Koga Makiko bun ; Hōnoki Sora e.

    Author / Creator:Koga, Makiko, 1978- | 古閑万希子, 1978-
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2015. | 東京 : 講談社, 2015.
    Call Numbers:JPN/01052
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    Nichijō no natsuyasumi / Arai Keiichi gensaku e ; Izun...

    日常の夏休み / あらゐけいいち原作/絵 ; 伊豆平成著.

    Nichijō no natsuyasumi / Arai Keiichi gensaku e ; Izuno Hiranari cho.

    Author / Creator:Arai, Keiichi. | あらゐけいいち
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kadokawa, 2014. | 東京 KADOKAWA, 2014.
    Edition:Shohan. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/00349
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    Shui niu yu xiao mu tong / zuo zhe, Jiang Shang'en ; hu...

    水牛與小牧童 / 作者, 江尚恩 ; 繪者, 莎莉 · 麗萍 ; 譯者, 周明玔.

    Shui niu yu xiao mu tong / zuo zhe, Jiang Shang'en ; hui zhe, Shali Liping ; yi zhe, Zhou Mingchuan.

    Author / Creator:Kang, Sung-Eun, author. | 江尚恩, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2009. | 台北市 聯經出版事業股份有限公司, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2015/843
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    Kokoro ga sakebitabatterunda = Beautiful word beautiful...

    心が叫びたがってるんだ。 = Beautiful word beautiful world / 豊田美加 ; 原作・超平和バスターズ.

    Kokoro ga sakebitabatterunda = Beautiful word beautiful world / Toyoda Mika ; gensaku Cho Heiwa Basutāzu.

    Author / Creator:Toyoda, Mika, author. | 豊田美加, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Shōgakukan, 2015.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00754
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    Li fa shi [sound recording] / Fan Yiping yuan zhu ; Bei...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    理髮师 [sound recording] / 凡一平著 ; 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有 公司制作.

    Li fa shi [sound recording] / Fan Yiping yuan zhu ; Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Author / Creator:Fan, Yiping, 1964- | 凡一平, 1964-
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [2005]. | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [2005].
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00431
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    Hoshi mamoru inu : eiga noberaizu / Maita Yōhei nobera...

    星守る犬 : 映画ノベライズ / 蒔田陽平ノベライズ ; 村上たかし原作 ; 橋本裕志脚本.

    Hoshi mamoru inu : eiga noberaizu / Maita Yōhei noberaizu ; Murakami Takashi gensaku ; Hashimoto Hiroshi kyakuhon.

    Author / Creator:Maita, Yōhei. | 蒔田陽平
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Futabasha, 2011. | 東京 : 双葉社, 2011.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00511
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    Oranda shinyaku chikyū zenzu / Hashimoto Naomasa sei ;...

    喎蘭新譯地球全圖 / 橋本直政製 ; 彫工小林平八, 小川太左衛門.

    Oranda shinyaku chikyū zenzu / Hashimoto Naomasa sei ; chōkō Kobayashi Heihachi, Ogawa Tazaemon; Mito sekisuichō etsu.

    Author / Creator:Hashimoto, Sōkichi, 1763-1836 cartographer. | 橋本宗吉, 1763-1836, cartographer
    Publisher:Edo Kitazawa Ihachi, Kansei 8 [1796]. | 江戶 北澤伊八, 寬政 8 [1796].
    Call Numbers:M4 100/1796/1
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    Lang yan Beiping [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu] ; B...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    狼烟北平 [录音资料] / [都梁著] ; 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有 公司制作.

    Lang yan Beiping [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu] ; Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Author / Creator:Du, Liang. | 都梁
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [2008?] | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [2008?]
    Call Numbers:CHI/00379
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