1 results for van+Poppel,+Hein,+Prof

1 results for van+Poppel,+Hein,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:Bolla, Michel, Prof ; van Poppel, Hein, Prof ; Tombal, Bertrand, Prof ; Vekemans, Kris, MD ; Da Pozzo, Luigi, MD ; de Reijke, Theo M, PhD ; Verbaeys, Antony, MD ; Bosset, Jean-François, Prof ; van Velthoven, Roland, Prof ; Colombel, Marc, Prof ; van de Beek, Cees, MD ; Verhagen, Paul, PhD ; van den Bergh, Alphonsus, PhD ; Sternberg, Cora, MD ; Gasser, Thomas, Prof ; van Tienhoven, Geertjan, MD ; Scalliet, Pierre, Prof ; Haustermans, Karin, Prof ; Collette, Laurence, PhD
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2012-12, Vol.380 (9858), p.2018-2027
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