Indigenous engagement
Celebrating and sharing stories of Indigenous Australia, and helping to locate and prioritise Indigenous voices in the Library's collections.
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Rede me and be nott wrothe : cfor I saye no thinge but trothe / written by W. Roy and J. Barlowe, printed by John Schott at Strasburg in 1528. A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, eche complaynynge to other their misserable calamite through the ambicion of the clergye. Together with a compendious olde treatyse shewynge howe that we ought to haue the Scripture in Englysshe, written by a Lollard, about 1450, printed by H. Luft at Marburg, Hesse, in 1530; from the unique copy in the British Museum.
Roy, William, active 1527-1531
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