Tag browser

Digital collections are tagged with subjects from Library cataloguers, as well as automated computer-generated keywords, making it easier to discover the rich detail within the collection. Explore an alphabetic index of these tags below. Read more


Tags and subjects

The digital collections interface is a subset of image files, book pages and audio files from the Library's main catalogue.

Image files in digital collections are automatically tagged with computer-generated keywords, making it easier to discover the rich detail within the collection.

In the main catalogue, Library cataloguers have also added subjects, people and places to records. When the subject, people or place is relevant to the individual digital files contained in the records, these are also added to the digital collections interface.

In this example (Sunset in New South Wales], 1865 / Eug. von Guerard):

  • Library cataloguers have added subjects including 'Art, Colonial--Australia.' and 'Landscape Paintings'
  • Automatic computer-generated tagging has added keywords including 'Painting', 'Palm Tree' and 'Sky'.

About the Tag Browser

Before computer-generated keywords and catalogue subjects are added to the Tag Browser, a taxonomy is created using two trustworthy indexes:

By referencing these indexes, the tags can be organised in hierarchical and associative relationships, displaying both preferred and alternative terms.

Importantly, any computer-generated keywords and catalogue subjects that do not exist in these indexes will not appear in the Tag Browser.