055 - SAFE/F8/78 - View of Magadoxa on the east coast of Africa in Lat. 1°51'N. from Ship Albemarle...
055 - SAFE/F8/78 - View of Magadoxa on the east coast of Africa in Lat. 1°51'N. from Ship Albemarle...
003 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Africa from Cape Blanco to Cape Verd, by William Dupond, 17...
176 - SAFE/F8/78 - The east coast of Ceylon - Feb. 4th 1789
023 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the bay and road of Foul Point on Madagascar Lat. 17°50' S, from a MS rec...
011 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Islands Trista da Cunha, by La Sieur Donat in Sept.r 1767 - March 17...
034 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of Timoor and adjacent islands, from a Dutch MS communicated by Capt. Willi...
002 - SAFE/F8/81 - Mossell Bay on the S. coast of Africa, from Van Keulen - 5th Feb.y 1774
165 - SAFE/F8/78 - Comptee on the Malabar coast, by Elias Bates, 1725 - March 27: 1775
047 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Mombass on the east coast of Africa, Lat: 3°30' S, from a Portuguese MS;...
223 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Andaman Islands, from a Portuguese MS - Dec.r 11th 1784
100 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Kisseen Bay on the south coast of Arabia, by C. David Crichton - 15 Jan.y...
180 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of that part of Calymere Reef, examined in the Neptune Snow, by Jams Rennell...
016 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart shewing all the passages and channels into the Harbour of Chasan on the c...
011 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the road or harbour of Zinzinbara or Zanzibar, from an English MS - 5th F...
011 - SAFE/F8/80 - Charts of the Malabar coast, comparing the various published and MS charts from M...
243 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the islands and straits situated to the south of the Mergui Archipelago,...
129 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Scindy, from an English MS, communicated by Capt. Henry Pri...
036 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Manmbagh on Madagascar, from Van Keulen - 5th Feb.y 1774
133 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Searbett Island Lat. 20°.55'.30" N., and Chance River on the coast of Guz...
136 - SAFE/F8/78 - A chart of Broach Bar and river, surveyed by Lieut. William Augustus Skynner, 177...
053 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Lampon Bay on the east coast of Luzon, by Manuel alves, 1754 - 10 July 17...
051 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Sorsogon Harbour, on the south east port of Luzon, from a Spanish M.S - 1...
091 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Harbour of Tor on the coast of Arabia in the Red Sea, by George Trott...
030 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Batacaloe on the Island Ceylon, June 1762 - 5 Jan.y 1775
017 - SAFE/F8/78 - No. 2: Plan of the Bay of Fort Dauphin on the coast of Madagascar situated in 25°...
153 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Gariah Harbour on the Malabar coast; in 16°,32'N., by Sir William Hewett...
109 - SAFE/F8/78 - A plane chart of part of the Gulph of Persia, by Lieut.t John Cant - August 29th...
197 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the River of Chittegan, by Capt. Herbert Sutherland; Plan of Chittegan Ri...
063 - SAFE/F8/78 - A plain chart of the Islands Seychelles, Praslin, Silhouette, and others adjacent...
032 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Strait of Solor, from a Portuguese MS used by the Portuguese of Maca...
075 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the north part of Pooloo Nayas adjacent to the west coast of Sumatra, fro...
052 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the road or harbour of Zinzinbara or Zanzebar, from an English MS - 5th F...
116 - SAFE/F8/78 - Part of the coast of Persia, by Lieut. John Cant; Part of the Gulph of Persia, co...
018 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Crotchey Bay in 24°.28' N Lat: lying N 30°. W, distant 12 leagues from Sc...
027 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Onore on he Malabar Coast, by Elias Bates, 1725 - 24 March 1775
226 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Island Carnicobar, by Phineas Hunt, 1769 - Sep.r 27th 1786
183 - SAFE/F8/78 - A correct chart of the river and bay of Nagore, by Thomas Dibdin, June 1779, comm...
006 - SAFE/F8/81 - Long Point on Madagascar - 5 Feb.y 1774
212 - SAFE/F8/78 - A survey of Negrais Harbour, by Thomas Taylor, 1753, and plan of the entrance of...
071 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plans of three bays on the Island Good-Fortune, adjacent to the west coast of Sum...
161 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sketch of Bassalore, from an English MS; Sketch on Boncout - 17th Feb.y 1782
211 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sketch of the coast of Ava with the islands and rocks, from Padoa Point to Church...
010 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coasts of Guzarat and Scindy, from various materials, by A. Dalrympl...
216 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Neptune's track off Diamond Island - Oct.r 5th 1786
186 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Devy Point, from an English MS - Feb. 1st 1783
021 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Foul Point on the east coast of Madagascar in 17°40' So. Lat., from a...
105 - SAFE/F8/78 - Gulph of Persia, laid down chiefly from his own observations in 1765, by C. Niebu...
001 - SAFE/F8/81 - Flesh Bay, or, Bay St. Bras, from Van Keulen - 5th Feb.y 1774
070 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the harbour of Se Laubo Laubo, on the west side of the No. Poggy Island a...
150 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Onore on the Malabar coast, by Elias Bates, 1725 - 24 March 1775
026 - SAFE/F8/80 - A copy of part of the antient M.S. map in the British Museum - Augsut 24th 1787
191 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Bengal, from Putnay to Ramnabad - Nov.r 21st 1785
080 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Atoll Maldiva or King's Island Atoll, from an English MS; Aria Attol on t...
010 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the bay on the north side of Johanna in 12°.10'S. Lat:, by C. Peter Pigou...
137 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Choul on the Malabar coast with the Drake's track, 19 July 1764, from an...
004 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of he harbour at the Island Chagos or Diego Garcia, from a survey under the...
066 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Harbour of Praslin, by Lieutenant's David Thomas & William Robinson,...
179 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Punta Gala, from John Van Keulen; Plan of Punta Gaula, from a MS., receiv...
043 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the NW part of the Island Mayotta, Lat: 12°44'.So., by Mr. Watson in the...
057 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Zutphen, or, Hounds Islands off the S.E. part of Sumatra, from a Dutch M....
008 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan and view of the island Fernando Noronha - April 11th 1781
152 - SAFE/F8/78 - The mud bank of Cranganor on the Malabar coast, from the early editions of Van Ke...
062 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Eagle Island, from an actual survey made in August 1771 by Lieut.s David...
228 - SAFE/F8/78 - Nicobar Islands, by John Ritchie, 1771 - Dec.r 17th 1784
070 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the islands called Peros Banhos, by Lieut. Archibald Blair, 1786; Plan of...
104 - SAFE/F8/78 - Gulph of Persia, by M. D'Apres, published in the new edition of the Neptune orien...
059 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Mew in the Strait of Sunda, by Com. John Watson, 1762 - 5th Feb.y 1774
209 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the channel within the Island Cheduba, by Capt: Walter Aves - April 11th...
206 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Aracan and Ava, from a chart of the Bay of Bengal, by Phili...
142 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Collack River, Lat: 20°22' N., by John Ringrose - 7 Oct. 1784
068 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of a harbour on the east side of So. Poggy Island adjacent to the west coast...
023 - SAFE/F8/81 - View and plan of Sinderdroo, or, Melundy, on the Malabar Coast; by Co. John Watso...
140 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Gundivee River Lat. 20°37'. N, by John Ringrose, from Governor Hornby's c...
236 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sketch of Po. Pinang in the Strait of Malacca, by Capt.n Walter Alves, 1763 - 5th...
010 - SAFE/F8/78 - The Island of Trinidad, the body of it lying in the Lat 19°6'S from Lizard 18°38'...
060 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Bank of Cargados Garajos, situated in Latitude 16°.38'S., laid down f...
122 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Muscat Cove and Mutrah Harbour, surveyed in 1785, by John McCluer - May 2...
178 - SAFE/F8/78 - Calpetyn Road on the west coast of Ceylon, from John Van Keulen - Oct. 14th 1788
181 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of a shoal between Point Callimere and Negapatnam, surveyed by the Masters o...
202 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Arracan, laid down from observations in the Houghton, Capt....
059 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the archipelago to the northward of Mauritius, laid down in 1776, by M....
040 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the W. side of Comoro on Anga-Zecha, from a M.S. by Alexander Sibbald - 5...
066 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the Island Engano adjacent to the west coast of Sumatra; by Charles Gusta...
012 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coasts of Galconda and Orixa, published by John Thornton, 1703; Plan...
194 - SAFE/F8/78 - A chart of the northern part of the Bay of Bengal, laid down chiefly from the sur...
046 - SAFE/F8/78 - Islands of Querimboo in Lat. 11°11' S, MD from Comoro 2°.52' W., Var.n 16°.2' W …...
037 - SAFE/F8/78 - View from Moroundava Road taken in the boat 1/2 mile from shoar … from an English...
014 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of Nancowry Harbour, from a survey of Captain Alexander Kyd, 1790 - pril 21s...
224 - SAFE/F8/78 - Track of the Stretham, Capt: H. Gough, December 1708, from a journal of the E. In...
034 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the west coast of Madagascar from a MS by Mr. White and some addition by...
079 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Ayer-Bongy, on the west coast of Sumatra; from a Dutch M.S - 25 Feb.y 177...
115 - SAFE/F8/78 - Kismis Channel in the Gulph of Persia, from the early editions of Van Keulen - 10...
097 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Bay of Huddada by _; Plan of Mocha Road, from an English MS., receive...
081 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch on the west-coast of Sumatra; f...
009 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Mohila, from VanKeulen - 5 Feb.y 1774
069 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Eagle's track, 1772, by Jospeh Mascall Volunt.r, 1774, from a MS. At...
131 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Coast of Scindy and Bay of Cutch, with part of the coast of Guzurat...
195 - SAFE/F8/78 - Survey of the coast of Chittigan, by Barth. Plaisted, 1761, from the MS., at the...
185 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of part of the coast of Choromandel, by Capt. George Baker, 1759; Chart of p...
238 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sambeelan Islands in the Strait of Malacca, by Mr. Rennell, 1763 - Jan: 4th 1781