Road and distance map of New South Wales
Moore's map of New South Wales for 1877-8
Moore's map of New South Wales for 1882
Pearson's cyclist's and traveller's distinct road map of New South Wales
Relief map of New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales
Map showing the roads in New South Wales prepared for the use of the Post Office Department [Album v...
Craigie's motorist map of New South Wales showing main motoring roads & mileages
Mitchell's exploration of the North West of New South Wales, 1831-1832
Ferris' new road map of New South Wales
Map showing new main road, Blue Mountains
Map of New South Wales road, railway & county
Map of New South Wales shewing the roads and distances in New South Wales
A plan of part of Sydney and its environs [Album view]
Tracing from Plan B792 roll [cartographic material] : reduced from original maps of H.C. Butler, Ass...
Railway map New South Wales railways
Road map of New South Wales