Weight training, Langridge's Health Academy of Physical Sciences
Weight training, Langridge's Health Academy of Physical Sciences
Exercises for footballers, January 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Young Apollo strongman series, 3 September 1940 / photographed by Ray Olson
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
News boys series, [1950?]
Exercises for footballers, January 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Exercises for footballers, January 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Australian champ[ion] weightlifter George [Palmai?], July 1953
Mrs Lewis. Women's bar bell instructor, March 1955