To arms! Samples of true grit are to be met in abundance in all training camps ... "Stiffen the sine...
War meeting, town hall, Auburn : Saturday, August 21, 1915 at 8 o'clock
Think! Are you content for him to fight for you? Won't you do your bit? We shall win but you must he...
Do you play games? football, cricket, baseball, &c. probably! ... [Album view]
For freedom : have you bought a war loan bond?
Liberty or slavery "You must choose!"[Album view]
Railways and Tramways Infantry Reinforcement Unit A.I.F. now being formed
We shall need every man we can put in the field [Album view]
Buy peace bonds / John Sands Ltd [Album view]
State Parliament. Recruiting Week. Mon., 5th July to Sat., 10th July [Album view]
War meeting. Marrickville Town Hall, Post Office corner. [Album view]
Will they never come? [Album view]
Enlist at once [Album view]
All eligible men will be given free clothing, food, money, steamer and train accommodation ... [Albu...
War meeting. Town Hall, Leichhardt, Tuesday 10th Aug. ... [Album view]
South Australians, fall in! : we want you at the front : come and help, enlist at once [Album view]
Recruiting train. Will you respond? The recruiting train is coming your way... [Album view]
We are fighting for a worthy purpose [Album view]
Britain's strong arm and yours will carry us through, enlist now [Album view]
Kitchener's solemn warning [Album view]
£10,000,000 wanted for the Diggers Loan [Album view]
Diggers' Loan. Australia wants £10,000,000 to meet her obligations to the soldiers. It is your duty...
War meeting. Corner Bourke, Fitzroy, & Foveaux Sts. Surry Hills, Friday Aug. 6, 1915 at 8 o'clock. ....
To arms! Play the game! Looking on is not cricket! Enlist [Album view]
World War 1 recruitment and patriot...
World War 1 recruitment and patriotic posters : and some relating to the 1916 conscription referendu...
Boys come over here, you're wanted [Album view]
Tank Week, 3rd to 10th April : sixth war loan [Album view]
Shackleton's call to Australia! [Album view]
Memory lingers :Rheims Cathedral, The Lusitania, Nurse Cavell, Captain Fryatt, Atrocities in Belgium...
Enlist!! Today!!
War meeting. Picture Palace Campsie. Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1915 at 8 o'clock. ... [Album view]
Which picture would your father like to show his friends? [Album view]
Birdwood. He kept his pledge - you buy Peace Bonds [Album view]
War meeting. Woolloomooloo Bay on vacant lot end of Dowling Street, Thursday 5th Aug., 1915 at 12.30...
War edition extraordinary of the Zeehan Herald [Album view]
Military display by the Australian Engineers, In Aid of War Chest. Roseville, 1st Dec. 1917 [Album v...
Join our O. B. U. One Big Union The Khakis [Album view]
Come on boys. Let's finish the job. Buy peace bonds [Album view]
Under which flag will you live? Enlist at once [Album view]
Britain's strong arm and yours will carry us through, enlist now. [Album view]
Enlist. Always Huns. Protect our women and children, join the Australian Army [Album view]
War meeting, Lackey St, Summer Hill, opposite Tucker's shop, Friday 6th Aug., 1915, At 8 o'clock. Ra...
The latest despatch: send more men. Age 18 to 45 [Album view]
Recruiting, Federal electorate of ... Enlist [Album view]
The crimes of Germany : what Lord Bryce's Committee found out.
Ready for Jerry [Album view]
Seventh war loan : the honor flag, pledge your pocket to the flag [Album view]
Open-Air meetings. Friday August 27, 1915. Bondi Junction 7.45 pm. Charing Cross 8.45 pm. [Album vie...
Don't stand looking at this. Go and help! [Album view]
War meeting. Town Hall, Glebe, Monday, Aug. 9, 1915 at 8 o'clock ... [Album view]
Young workers' patriotic guild [Album view]
War meeting, Harbour Trust Workshop [Album view]
Poster with girl holding flag and Australian soldiers from World War 1 [Album view]
Seventh war loan : war bonds, like tanks, break the Huns' ranks. [Album view]
Make victory swift and certain. Offer your services now [Album view]
50,000 men wanted [Album view]
Jellicoe. He kept his pledge - you buy Peace Bonds [Album view]
O, Cromwell's England! [Album view]
War meeting. Roseville Hall, Thursday, September 23, 1915 ... [Album view]
Seventh war loan [picture] : lodge your application here & now [Album view]
Buy peace bonds [Album view]
War meeting. Town Hall, Alexandria, 6th Aug., 1915 at 8 p.m. ... [Album view]
Australians! Your country needs you-[picture] [Album view]
Subscribe to the "Diggers' Loan" £10,000,000 [Album view]
Back your cheers with your money - buy Peace Bonds [Album view]
For home & Country buy Peace Bonds [Album view]
Join the ANZAC Union and get into khaki [Album view]
Get into khaki. Your comrades at Gallipoli are calling you. This is not the time for football and te...
Are you colour-blind? : Invest [Album view]
Don't falter go and meet the Hun menace [Album view]
Latest despatch : send more men. Age 18 to 45 [Album view]
"We are fighting for a worthy purpose, and we shall not lay down our arms until that purpose has be...
Australians! Your country needs you [Album view]
Make victory swift and certain Offer your services now [Album view]
Why aren't you in khaki? You'll be wanted. Enlist at once [Album view]
What will your answer be when your boy asks you, "Father, what did you do to help when Britain fough...
Subscribe to the peace loan [Album view]
To the women of Australia. [Album view]
It is more serious than you think [Album view]
War meeting. Town Hall, Ryde, Friday. Aug. 6, 1915 at 8 o'clock ... [Album view]
Unmasking the Peace Loan, applications received here [Album view]
And his soul goes marching on [Album view]
There's room for you : jump aboard [Album view]
In Freedom's cause : our soldiers offer their lives, if you can't fight, lend your money : buy war l...
Come on boys! Give us a hand! [Album view]
Cry of the mothers, Australians! Enlist now! [Album view]
War meeting. Town Hall, Bankstown, Thursday, Aug. 12, 1915 at 8 o'clock. Rally round the flag! [Albu...
Open-Air War meeting. Burwood Road near Burwood Railway Station. Friday, September 17, 1915. At 8 o'...
Proclamation, Reinforcements Referendum [Album view]
War : Recruiting depot at Hornsby [Album view]
The War. How we compare with other countries [Album view]
Australians your country needs you [Album view]
War meeting. Burwood Road near railway station. ... [Album view]
ANZAC, Australian New Zealand Army Corps [Album view]
U are wanted in the Sport's unit [Album view]
We took the hill, come and help us keep it [Album view]
War meeting. Town Hall Elizabeth Street Waterloo ... [Album view]
Can you fight? The empire needs every fit man. If the Germans win, no home on British soil will be s...
'To the women of Australia' [Album view]
If this cap fits you. Join the Army to-day [Album view]