L2m, 2 years, back view, Wagga, sheep show
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
L2m, 1 year, back view, Wagga, sheep show
L1m, 1 year, front view, Wagga, sheep show
Horse meat, Rouse Hill
Midco Meat Co-Operative
L1m, 3 years, front view, Wagga
Homebush Abattoirs
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
Homebush Abattoirs
Hydatid story
L3m, 2 years, front view, Wagga Sheep Show
Sydney Meat Preserving Co
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
L2m, 1 year, front view, Wagga, sheep show
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Carcases of mutton, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
Showing four grades of mutton
Hydatid story
Thomas Playfair Co.
Showing four grades of mutton, back
Sydney Meat Preserving Co
Official opening of city abattoirs at Joppa, Goulburn
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Homebush Abattoirs
Riverstone Meat Co.
L3m, 2 years, back view, Wagga Sheep Show
L3m, 2 years, back view, Wagga, sheep show
Carcases, American, full. Copy
Thomas Playfair Co.
Food Inspection
Soil conservation
Front view of carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
L3m, 3 years, front view, Wagga, sheep show
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Food School, East Sydney Technical College
L2m, 2 years, back view, Cowra, sheep show
Carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
L2m, 3 years, front view, Wagga
Hydatid story
Thomas Playfair Co.
Front view of 2 carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Food Inspection
L1m, 2 years, back view, Cowra, sheep show
Tour of Nth Coast by Minister Mr Stephens
Hydatid story
Kenmore Hospital, Goulburn
L1m, 2 years, front view, Cowra, sheep show
State Housing Commission
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Hydatid story
Agricultural Show: meat display
L2m, 2 years, front view, Wagga, sheep show
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
Front view of carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Interior, Meat Markets
Carcases, Sheep show, Agricultural Ground
Homebush Abattoirs
L2m, 2 years, front view, Cowra, sheep show
Front view of carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Typical Aberdeen Angus beef.
Grading floor, Warrigal Freezing Works, Nyngan
Riverstone Meat Co.
Horse meat, Rouse Hill
L3m, 2 years, back view, Wagga, sheep show
Interior, Meat Markets
State Housing Commission
Interior of slaughter house, State Labour Farm, Randwick
L3m, 2 years, front view, Wagga, sheep show
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Dead emu on "Colane" - Nyngan, NSW
Homebush Abattoirs
Tour of Co-operative Societies and housing projects by Minister, Mr A Landa
A reject, showing the emaciated condition of the carcase, reverse
Homebush Abattoirs
Chief Secretary's Dept
Thomas Playfair Co.
L3m, 2 years, front view, Wagga, sheep show; carcases
Hydatid story
Food School, East Sydney Technical College
Homebush Abattoirs
Students killing and cutting up pigs. Hawkesbury College
Riverstone Meatworks
Carcases, American, 2 only. Copy
L1m, 1 year, back view, Wagga, sheep show
Sheep rejected for bad dressing and bruising
L3m, 3 years, back view, Wagga, sheep show
Carcases, Sheep Show, Agricultural Ground
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW