8 -- HODGES, WILLIAM (a) View of Porto Santo extending from NNW to WBN distant 5 miles (b) View of P...
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69 results
Showing 1 - 69 out of 69 grouped results
Showing 1 - 69 out of 69 grouped results
8 -- HODGES, WILLIAM (a) View of Porto Santo extending from NNW to WBN distant 5 miles (b) View of P...
36 -- [Native weapons. Unsigned, untitled and undated]
22 -- ROBERTS, HENRY - Huaheine, one of the society Islands
32b -- HODGES, WILLIAM - New Zealand [Portrait of a Maori]
20 -- HODGES, WILLIAM A large sailing canoe of the Friendly Islands
iv -- SMITH, ISAAC - Tegadoo Bay, New Zealand. 23. Oct 1769
1 -- HODGES, WILLIAM (a) Profile of the coast of the Isle of Mayo, Cape Verde Islands. (b) Profile o...
31 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - In Dusky Bay, New Zealand
38b -- The Track of His Majesty's ship Perseverance between Rutland and the Cinque Islands
5 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - View of Porto Santo bearing North distant 2 Leagues
38a -- [Map of] S. Andaman Island
ii -- COOK, JAMES - (a) Four profiles of the coast of Terra del Fuego (b) A plan of Success Bay in S...
13 -- ROBERTS, HENRY - Matavai Bay, Otaheite
Inside front cover
Title page
25a/b --Osnabrug Island bearing S by W 5 leagues distant
27a --HODGES, WILLIAM - Ice Island
16 -- ROBERTS, HENRY - Otaheite, when Point Venus bears S.W. by W. 5 miles distant
33 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - The Island of South Georgia
4 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - View of Porto Santo extending from NNW to WBW distant 5 miles
19a -- HODGES, WILLIAM - [Portrait of a native]
ib -- COOK, JAMES - A Plan of the Harbour of Croque in Newfoundland
30 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Ice Islands
32a -- HODGES, WILLIAM - [View, possibly of Dusky Bay, New Zealand]
26 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - The Resolution and Adventure, 4 Jan, 1773, taking in ice for water, lat. 61....
15 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - War canoe, Otaheite
37b -- [Map of] Charlestown and state of the Kings troops March 11 1780
3a -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Chart of Port Praya in the Island of St Jago,Cape Verde Islands. Titled 'Por...
17 -- HODGES, WILLIAM Potatow, the Otaheite admiral
25b/d -- [Profile of unidentified island]
34 -- ROBERTS, HENRY - [The Resolution]
29 --HODGES, WILLIAM - Ice Islands
21 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - A Fishing canoe of the Friendly Islands
v -- SMITH, ISAAC - Natural arch, 75' long, 27' broad, 45' high, Tegadoo Bay, New Zealand
25a/a -- ROBERTS, HENRY Eimeo as it appears from Matavai Bay, Otahiete
35 -- [Three native idols]
15a -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Canoes, Otaheite
21a -- Diagram of a native canoe
25b/c -- [Profile of unidentified island]
12 -- HODGES, WILLIAM- Table Mountain, Capetown
23 -- ROBERTS HENRY - Ulietea, on of the Society Islands
7 -- HODGES, WILLIAM (a) View of Porto Santo. Titled in ink along lower edge 'View of Porto Santo ex...
14 -- HODGES, WILLIAM- The Otaheite fleet at Appany Bay
25b/a -- Map and profile of Palmerston Island
27 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Ice Islands
18 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Otaheite [native]
3b -- View of unidentified island. In ink on left hand side 'N by E' and on right hand side 'E by N'...
25b/b -- [Profile of unidentified Pacific Island showing a lagoon]
32 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Dusky Bay, New Zealand
37a -- A Sketch of Block Island, latitude of the South Head 41 : 9 N
10 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Table Mountain, Cape town
3 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Profile of the Island of St.Jago, Cape Verde Island. Titled The Island of St...
25 -- HODGES, WILLIAM Resolution Bay in the Marquesas. 1774
19 -- ROBERTS, HENRY (a) Middleburg Island bearing W by S distant 3 leagues (b) West point of Middle...
24a -- HODGES WILLIAM - Otago, chief of Amsterdam Island
37c -- Plan of the harbour of St. Lucia
ia -- is COOK, JAMES - A Plan of the Harbour of St Johns in Newfoundland
24 -- ROBERTS, HENRY The Bay of Amsterdam, Friendly Islands
28 -- HODGES, WILLIAM Ice islands [with the Resolution and Adventure]
Page i
14b -- Explanation of a double canoe seen at Amsterdam in the South Seas
Index (continued)
25a/c -- 1. Dominica bearing from N by W to ESE distant 1 1/2 miles
6 -- HODGES, WILLIAM - Island of Bonavista: 2 Profiles. Titled: 'Island of Bonavista S.W. distant 5...
11 -- HODGESS, WILLIAM - Table Mountain, Cape town
iii -- COOK, JAMES- Sketches of the islands lagoon, Thrum-Cap, Bow-Island, the Two Groups, Bird Isla...
2 -- HODGES, WILLIAM (a) Profile of the coast of the Isle of Mayo. / Similar to view at f.1 but scal...