Tent blown away in dust storm. Railway gangers' accommodation consisted of two tents. One water tank...
Railway fettlers, Broken Hill line - Darnick, NSW
Railway workers' tents - Darnick, NSW
Ganger's camp on left, fettler's homes on right. Railway shed in foreground. Silver City Comet passe...
Replacing sleepers on the line to Broken Hill. George was a ganger, the others were fettlers - Darni...
Kangaroos were shot for meat. Any joeys were saved and hand reared - Darnick, NSW
Railway ganger's camp. Railway sleepers were used as windbreak - Darnick, NSW
Locust plague on Broken Hill Line - Darnick, NSW
Railway gangers' camp with sleepers as windbreaks - Darnick, NSW
Finding emu eggs - Darnick, NSW
Silver City Comet train on Broken Hill line. Sleepers under sand after dust storm - Darnick, NSW
Shooting party of railway workers - Darnick, NSW
Carting water for railway camp - Darnick, NSW
Dead kangaroos "on the nose" - Darnick, NSW