Nova totius Terrarum orbis tabula / Amstelodami per C. Danckerts, cum privil [Album view]
Carte d'Oceanie ou Australasie & Polynesie [Album view]
034 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of Timoor and adjacent islands, from a Dutch MS communicated by Capt. Willi...
[Kaart van de Zuyd Zee] [Album view]
Mar del Zvr Hispanis Mare Pacificum [cartographic material] [Album view]
Carta esferica del Globo terraqüeo / escrita por Sgo. Droüet; T. Prolo g. [Album view]
016 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart shewing all the passages and channels into the Harbour of Chasan on the c...
011 - SAFE/F8/80 - Charts of the Malabar coast, comparing the various published and MS charts from M...
Planisphaerium terrestre, sive terrarum orbis : planisphaerice constructi repraesentatio quintuplex:...
Scientia terrarum et coelorum ; or the heavens and earth astronomically and geographically delineate...
Mappemonde ou description du globe terrestre & aquatique / H. Jaillot [Album view]
032 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Strait of Solor, from a Portuguese MS used by the Portuguese of Maca...
Carte reduite des terres Australes |h [cartographic material] : pour servir a l'Histoire des voyages...
Asia accuratissime descripta ex omnibus, quae hactenus extiterunt imprimis viri Ampliss
Planiglobii terrestris cum utroq hemisphaerio caelesti generalis exhibitio [Album view]
A new & accurate map of Asia, drawn from the most approved modern maps & charts; [cartographic mater...
Scientia terrarum et coelorum
Oost-Indische Pas-Caart Nieulycks Beschreven Door Iacob Aertsz. Colom [cartographic material] / Jaco...
Western hemisphere ; Eastern hemisphere [Album view]
Carte des Terres Australes comprises entre le Tropique du Capricorne et le Pôle Antarctique. : Oú...
[Map of the world showing Drake's voyage]
Orbis veteribus noti tabula nova, pour l'usage du roy, sur les observations astronomiques et geograp...
Mappe monde ou description du globe terrestre & aquatique suivant les dernieres & meilleures.
View of the general & coasting trade-winds in the great South Ocean [Album view]
010 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coasts of Guzarat and Scindy, from various materials, by A. Dalrympl...
Nieuwe pascaert van Oost Indien verthoonenende hen van C. de Bona Esperanca tot den het Landt ... /...
Oosterdeel van Oost Indien [Album view]
Map of the world showing Drake's voyage [Album view]
Intelligence from Botany Bay.
Intelligence from Botany Bay.
Handbuch einer vollständigen Erdbe...
Handbuch einer vollständigen Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte Polynesiens oder des fünften Erdtheils...
Narrative of Captain James Cook's v...
Narrative of Captain James Cook's voyages round the world : with an account of his life during the p...
A Description of New Holland, parti...
A Description of New Holland, particularly the Eastern Coast, called New South Wales : illustrated b...
Old map, 1542. Supposed Great South Land of that day. Australia [Album view]
Novissima totius orbis tabula.
Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les terres australes [Album view]
026 - SAFE/F8/80 - A copy of part of the antient M.S. map in the British Museum - Augsut 24th 1787
004 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of he harbour at the Island Chagos or Diego Garcia, from a survey under the...
Nouvelle carte des parties orientales du monde [Album]
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman volgens syn eygen opstel [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Carte des Costes de L'Asie sur L'Ocean Contenant les Bancs Isles et Costes &c [cartographic material...
Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique; ou, Description générale du globe terrestre et aquatique en deux pla...
Planiglobii terrestris mappa universalis utrumque hemispaerium orient et occidentale repraesentalis...
Diversi globi terr-aqvei statione variante et visu intercedente per coluros tropicorum [Album view]
Essay of a new and compact map containing the known parts of the terrestral globe / by N. Bellin, En...
012 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coasts of Galconda and Orixa, published by John Thornton, 1703; Plan...
Carte nouvelle de la Mer du Sud : dresse?e par ordre des principaux Directeurs & tire?e des memoirs...
014 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of Nancowry Harbour, from a survey of Captain Alexander Kyd, 1790 - pril 21s...
Magnum Mare del Zur cum insula California [Album view]
India orientalis cum adjacentibus insulis nova delineatione ob oculos polita [Album view]
Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique [Album view]
Wassende graade kaart van alle bekende zeekusten op den geheelen aardbodem.
A complete map of the Southern Continent [cartographic material] : survey'd by Cap't. Abel Tasman &...
Mappemonde ou description du globe terrestre & aquatique [Album view]
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula / [Nicolao Visscher] per Carolum Allard [Album view]
Orientaliora Indiarum Orientalium cum insulis adjacentibus à promontorio C. Comorin ad Japan [Album...
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula / auctore, Nicolao Visscher [Album view]
Asia, drawn from the latest astronomical observations [Album view]
Asie divisée en ses principaux etats assujettie aux observations astronomiq.
035 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the passage to the east of Banka, laid down from observations in Ship Va...
[Le vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les cartes de la Floride]
Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio, sive diversa orbis terraque : vlakke aar...
Hemisphere oriental, dresse en 1720 [Album view]
Wereld-kaart, na de alderlaatste Ontdekking i'nt Licht gebragt
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula [cartographic material] / auct: Iud....
001 - SAFE/F8/80 - In testimony of respect and esteem to Richard Viscount Howe, this chart of the ea...
Maris Pacifici (quod vulgo Mar del Zur) cum regionibus circumiacentibus, insulisque in eodem passim...
020 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Island Palawan from observations in the Sloop Endeavour in April & M...
Nova totius Terrarum orbis tabula / Amstelodami per i. Danckerts, cum privil [Album view]
Nova orbis tabula, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis
India quæ orientalis dicitur, et insulæ adiacentes.
Oost Indien wassende-graade paskaart, vertoonende nevens het Oostelyckste van Africa, meede de zeeku...
028 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate 1st - Oct 4th...
Mappemonde ou description du globe terrestre dressee sur les memoires les plus nouveaux, et assujett...
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula / auctore, Ioannes de Ram. [Album view]
Asiæ nova descriptio / t'Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit in de Kalverstraet in de Witte Paskaert [Albu...
003 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of Africa, from a Portuguese MS., received from Capt. Obe...
005 - SAFE/F8/80 - An eye draught from Dofar to Shoal Cliff on the coast of Arabia, taken in Decemb...
A map of the world with the latest discoveries, on which is delineated the voyage of Robinson Crusoe...
Mar di India [cartographic material] / Jan Jansson [Album view]
La Mer de Sud dite autrement Mer Pacifique
A new & accurate map of the East India islands, laid down according to the latest discoveries and ag...
Mappe-monde dressé sur les observations ... de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, et quelques autres, e...
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula
A Mercator chart of the world / by Thos. Bowen 1778.
Asie dresse sur les observations de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres, et sur les me...
Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes [Album view]
008 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the Persian Gulph from Muscat to Bushere, by John McCluer, 1785 - June...
Oost Indien wassende-graade paskaart, vertoonende nevens het Oostelyckste van Africa, meede de zeeku...
Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio quam ex Magna Universali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gart...
Nova orbis tabvla
Mer de Sud dite autrement Mer Pacifique / par P. Du-val, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy 1679. [Album vie...
Asiæ in tabula geographica delineatio. [Album view]
Pas-caert van't Oostelyckste deel van Oost Indien, met alle de eylanden daer onder gelegen, van Camb...
Orientaliora Indiarum Orientalium cum insulis adjacentibus a promontorio C. Comorin ad Iapan [cartog...
033 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of the Straits of Solor, from a Dutch MS communicated by Com: John Watson -...
031 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the great bay on the north side of New Guinea, from a Dutch MS, communic...
Asia ex magna orbis terrae descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris desumpta studio et industria G.M. Iuniori...
Hemisphère Austral ou Antarctique
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien [Album view]
009 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coast from Cape Arubah to the entrance of the Gulph of Persia, surve...