Carting in hay. Iron wheeled trolleys were called "3 ton Clyde trolleys". "Using two trolleys, fathe...
Carting in hay. Iron wheeled trolleys were called "3 ton Clyde trolleys". "Using two trolleys, fathe...
Bringing in wheat and hay, Oakleigh property, Cowra Road, Grenfell. W Hughes and Sons, proprietors -...
Log carting for new house on "Pine Hill", Alectown - timber cut on property - "Pine Hill", Alectown,...
Herb Rose's horse team passing Jack Carroll's Blacksmith's shop - Uralgurra, NSW
Bullock wagon with "Enfield Park" wool. Property of W R H Scott - Walcha area, NSW
Load of wool on the Peak Hill road - Dubbo, NSW
Woolsheds at "Pinehill", Alectown. Carting wool to Alectown west siding - "Pinehill", Alectown, NSW
Carting wheat to Alectown West silos - possibly owned by Attenborough. Approx. 100 bags of wheat - 7...
Transporting wool from Woodside Station - Jerilderie area, NSW
"Charlie and his Lorry" - Bega, NSW
Wool carting from Baltimore to Stockinbingal railway station - "Baltimore", Stockinbingal, NSW
Lunch time break during hay carting and stack building - Farm 4 miles north of Parkes, NSW
On "Hopefile" property. Load of sheaf hay during bumper year - Hillston, NSW
Delivering a tank made by Eugene Cleary - Bega, NSW
Rice growing project, Tullakool Irrigation Area. Italian prisoners of war were used as labour - Wako...
Carting in hay with two teams. Notice stooked hay in distance - Near Mandurama, NSW
Taking the washed wool out by cart for drying in sun. Drying wool in background on Bill Coleman (Snr...
Hauling telegraph poles from Black Mountain, ACT, to Harden - Harden, NSW
Loading Hoop pine logs onto trucks - Springbrook, NSW
Reg Burgis's 11 horse team taking boiler from R E Whyte's, Glen Innes to Lex Hutchinson's "Waterview...
Wheat carting from "Mannamite" to Stratton's Flour Mill, Cootamundra - "Mannamite", Cootamundra, NSW
Man carting Mallee Roots from Mallee trees. Farmer would use stumps for wood stove also sent in Rail...
Loading tank onto wagon on Sunshine farm - Temora, NSW
Loading wool at 'Basin Creek' property. 'White Rock' and 'Basin Creek' were owned by George Golland...
Camels hauling wagon made from T Model ford wheels on 'Double Gates' - Cobar, NSW
Waiting to unload wheat wagons at silo - Barmedman, NSW
Load of chaff going to Glen Innes Railway (100 bags). Half a railway truck, eight horse team. Photo...
This was Mr Beer's wool clip for the year (Border Leicester wool). Ready to take to Echuca to rail t...
Truck carting mining apparatus - Broken Hill, NSW
Moving a shed on "Baldon" station by McCormack Deering tractor - Moulamein, NSW
Fred Lindner was the carrier in Brocklesby - Brocklesby, NSW
Feeding cattle from the back of the cart - Urunga, NSW
A wagon load of wheat - 18 bullock team - Temora area, NSW
Demonstration of horses pulling wagon of wood - Tenterfield, NSW
Hay carting, St. Mawes - Goonumbla via Parkes, NSW
Bullock team on Coramba Bridge over Orara River - Coramba, NSW
Loading wheat onto 1934 model Ford V8 truck to be carted to the silos in Parkes - "Thurlstone", Cook...
'The Modern Drover' sheep transport through main street, Jerilderie - Jerilderie area, NSW
Tractor transporting equipment to farm. Tank sinking scoop at rear - Cobar, NSW
Taking wheat to the railhead - Wallendbeen, NSW
Carting firewood to the original Occidental Mine. Drays belonged to Joe Jefferey - Cobar, NSW
Moving a house by horse team to property outside Broken Hill - Broken Hill
Ocean Street (now High Street), Coffs Harbour Jetty. Log being taken, possibly to shipment. British...
Lifting charcoal kiln off truck - West Pennant Hills, NSW
The first three-decker sheep tray in Deniliquin built by William Fly at Birchfields Garage, End Stre...
Produce from a Belmore River farm being taken to town in a buggy - Kempsey, NSW
Carting meadow hay - Girilambone, NSW
Hauling wheat on 'Clifton' - Ariah Park, NSW
Horsedrawn wagon outside store in Opal Street - White Cliffs, NSW
Load of shingles being taken to Coffs Harbour - Boambee near Sawtell, NSW
Wagon loads of wheat queuing to silo at Finley in Murray Street looking south - Finley, NSW
Filling Furphy cart with water at 'Wilga' Yiddah - Barmedman area, NSW
Taking grapes to Lindemans winery - Wahgunyah, VIC
Milk carting - Bega area, NSW
Buying meat from Transport Meat Company Freezer Van. "Legs of mutton 1/1".
"Salt Lake" wool on Con Gleeson's Reo truck. "Salt Lake" bore flowing on extreme right - Bourke, NSW
Load of wool from "Glendon" - Glen Innes, NSW
Sheaves of oat hay carted to stockyard area for men to build hay stack which is later cut into chaff...
Wirths' Circus at Nambour railway station - Nambour, QLD
Overland truck carrying tank to be installed at new house at "Auburn", Trangie, for rain water - Tra...
Fargo 30 cwt truck carrying wool on 'Barokaville' - tarpaulin used to keep cabin warm - Walgett, NSW
"Bringing in the wool - Upper Murray" - Wodonga, VIC
Alf Hobbs' horse team carrying wheat - Temora, NSW
Tom McMillen's, Bob Wallace's and Bob Ryan's horse teams carting wool - Boonoke
Load of Chaff, 138 bags, eight horse team - Glen Innes, NSW
Carting wood at Warragoon - Deniliquin, NSW
Moving Combaning South School from Kerry's paddock to present site in Combaning - Temora, NSW
Corn being taken to silo on horse drawn slide - Bega, NSW
Loading water tank on Sunshine farm - Temora, NSW
Carting in hay - Burnt Yards, NSW (near Mandurama)
"Collane" wool being loaded on "Reo" truck for Bourke - Wanaaring, NSW
Queen Street - Brisbane, QLD
Bullock team with load of wool from "Morden" Station - White Cliffs, NSW
1927 Model T Ford truck - Cessnock, NSW
Carting a load of timber for a new house on "En-Garde". Timber carted by George Blake's Team - Denil...
Moving a house by Chevrolet. Deniliquin's first bus on left of photograph - Deniliquin, NSW
George Stark mining equipment bogged - Emmaville, NSW
Taking load of wheat to silos by horse - Corner of Bogan & Dalton Streets, Parkes, NSW
On the road to Alectown West siding, NSW
Loads of bagged wheat being loaded onto trucks for dispatch to Sydney - Nelungaloo, NSW
Carting hay to shed on 'Craigmore' - Walgett, NSW
Carting logs on Buralyang property - Ardlethan, NSW
Carting hay, at 'Rosevale' Dundee - Dundee, Glen Innes, NSW
Moving the Angledale School toilet by horse drawn slide to another location - Bega, NSW
Carting hay - Trundle, NSW
Hurtle Hodgson's bullock team on Matt Singleton's property, transferring flooded gum logs onto the t...
Team of bullocks moving a house. Taken in River Street, West Kempsey in the gully below Wide Street...
Robert Hazelgrove, farmer and carrier, with supplies for Towamba from Eden - Bega, NSW
Moving Combaning South School from Kerry's paddock to present site in Combaning - Temora, NSW
North Bank school bus - North Bank, Fernmount, NSW
Carting seed wheat into shed on "Mountain View" with horse team in wagon. Lumping the bags from wago...
Queue of trucks to Parkes wheat silo - Parkes, NSW
Carting sheep skins to Echuca from "Island Grove" station - Echuca, VIC
Hay carting and stack building on "Everleigh" - "Everleigh", Mungery via Tomingley, NSW
Bullock team moving house in Clyde Street - Kempsey, NSW
Dodge 4 cylinder 1 ton truck loaded with hay - Bourke, NSW
Horse drawn wagon with loads of wood - Temora, NSW
Mr Joe Johnston's horse team hauling a boiler for Rivertree silver mine. On Rivertree Road at "Uncle...
Horsedrawn wagon with cordial from Oakbank Brewery, outside hotel - Jerilderie, NSW
Tom McMillen's horse team carting wool - Boonoke