State Bakery, wedding cake, decorated with World War I motifs
Sands-Cracknell wedding. Bridesmaids, very pale pink; bride, magnolia satin, pearl coronet and cream...
Bush wedding cake - Cootamundra, NSW
Wedding cake, 1918 - Fernmount, NSW
Neil Mackenzie Forbes and Cathleen Somerville [Sommerville ?] wedding
Wedding cake, marriage of Dan O'Connor ("Doolan") and Eileen Fisher of Murringo - Murringo
Wedding (Ruth...)
Wedding; Miss Martin of Bellevue Hill-Vaucluse to Mr Martin
Wedding cake, marriage of Bill Wiggins and Ella English of Murringo - Murringo, NSW
McNamara-Claire wedding, Bankstown
Wedding of Edie Robinson and Bert Grant at Robinson's property - Boambee, NSW
Neil Mackenzie Forbes and Cathleen Somerville [Sommerville ?] wedding
Neil Mackenzie Forbes and Cathleen Somerville [Sommerville ?] wedding
Parkes wedding, Dapto
Wedding gifts: Ilone Vale and Edgar Cunningham wedding - Fernmount, NSW
State Bakery, making wedding cake
School of Food open day
Table set for wedding breakfast of Ilone (Vale) and Edgar Cunningham - Fernmount Hall, NSW
Davis girls playing a make believe wedding at "Caiwarro" - Hungerford, QLD
Wedding; Miss Martin of Bellevue Hill-Vaucluse to Mr Martin