Hudsons contract, Stockton
Military hutments, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Item 5: Rosalie Bragg and Joy Lewis...
Item 5: Rosalie Bragg and Joy Lewis interview by Sue Andersen, 28 March 2010
Stockton: Hudsons job
Newcastle from Stockton
Stockton: Hudsons job
Panorama of Newcastle by John Rae, Esq.
Newcastle Harbour showing Stockton & The Dyke
Item 3: John Chipperfield and Bessi...
Item 3: John Chipperfield and Bessie Knox interview by Sue Andersen, 27 March 2010
Aerial photograph looking north over Newcastle (bottom), Carrington (left) and Stockton (right)
Opening of flats, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Stockton: Hudson's job
Docks at Stockton
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Newcastle Harbour showing Stockton & The Dyke
Opening of flats, Stockton
Newcastle from Stockton
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Stockton: Hudsons job
Stockton: Hudsons job
Stockton: Hudsons job
Newcastle Harbour showing Stockton & The Dyke
Stockton huts
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Stockton huts
Item 4: Val Forbes, Denise Leask, B...
Item 4: Val Forbes, Denise Leask, Betty Miller, Lola O'Doherty and Beryl Frost interview by Sue Ande...
Ships discharging ballast Stockton (sailing ships)
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Stockton huts
Stockton: Hudsons job
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Military hutments, Stockton
Stockton: Hudsons job
Newcastle from Stockton
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Hudsons contract, Stockton
Opening of flats, Stockton
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Aerial photographs of Stockton, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones