Raising water tank onto stand, "Toorale" property - Bourke, NSW
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Showing 1 - 26 out of 26 grouped results
Raising water tank onto stand, "Toorale" property - Bourke, NSW
Projects at St Mary's & Campbelltown
Packing oranges, Windsor, 1928 / Sydney Ure Smith
Pencil Study for The Barn, Winnstay - Mt Wilson. [A view, with two trees in the foreground], before...
Projects at St Mary's & Campbelltown
The Three Barns [a view, including a farm house], before 1921 / Sydney Ure Smith
Log and mud hut on Col. Corrigan's tobacco farm. See also BCP 01322 - Beaudesert, QLD
Wooden framework of galvanized iron barn on Lauri Power's tobacco farm. M C Hinder - the photographe...
Item 05: The old Barn,"Winnstay", Mt Wilson, 1920 / Sydney Ure Smith
"Wallgrove", Colonel Wall's estate, Rooty Hill.
Tobacco drying barns made of cypress pine, lined with mud on Mole River - Sovereignton, NSW
Item 08: The Barn, [at Clarendon], 1920 / Sydney Ure Smith
Cutting chaff - Trundle, NSW
Item 01: The Three Barns, 1921 / Sydney Ure Smith
"Bodies" barns and bulk tobacco sheds in the Mole Valley between Tenterfield and Bondshaw - Tenterfi...
Study for "The Barn, Evening" - etching, Windsor. [A view], before 1922 / Sydney Ure Smith
Projects at St Mary's & Campbelltown
Projects at St Mary's & Campbelltown
Log and mud barn on Col. Corrigan's tobacco farm outside Brisbane. Construction costs were approx. 1...
Government demonstration barn for tobacco - all metal construction - Brisbane, QLD
"Fairview", Georgetown, SA was the home of the Read family - Georgetown, SA
The Observatory, Observatory Hill. [A view, including Holy Trinity Church, Miller's Point], 7th Octo...
Item 04: The Barn, evening, [Windsor], 1922 / Sydney Ure Smith
Projects at St Mary's & Campbelltown
Item 03: The Sunlit Barn, 1923 / Sydney Ure Smith
Brick flue tobacco barns - excellent ventilation - Willow Tree, NSW