Polynesian researches : during a re...
Polynesian researches : during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands
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24 results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 24 grouped results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 24 grouped results
Polynesian researches : during a re...
Polynesian researches : during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands
Excursion to the South Sea Islands...
Excursion to the South Sea Islands from Auckland, 4th June, 1884 : S.S. Wairarapa
A ride through the disturbed distri...
A ride through the disturbed districts of New Zealand : together with some account of the South Sea...
Grundzüge des Natur-und Menschenle...
Grundzüge des Natur-und Menschenlebens in Australien und Polynesien.
Cruise of the "Alert" : four years...
Cruise of the "Alert" : four years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene waters (1878-82)
Polynesian researches : during a re...
Polynesian researches : during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands
Polynesian researches during a resi...
Polynesian researches during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands.
Coral lands
Coral lands
Rambles in Polynesia
Rambles in Polynesia
Camping among cannibals
Camping among cannibals
Polynesia : a popular description o...
Polynesia : a popular description of the physical features, inhabitants, natural history and product...
A ride through the disturbed distri...
A ride through the disturbed districts of New Zealand : together with some account of the South Sea...
Polynesian reminiscences or, Life i...
Polynesian reminiscences or, Life in the South Pacific islands
Entre deux campagnes : notes d'un m...
Entre deux campagnes : notes d'un marin
Le monde polynésien
Le monde polynésien
Extracts from the letters and journ...
Extracts from the letters and journals of Daniel Wheeler, now engaged in a religious visit to the in...
Polynesian researches, during a res...
Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly six years in the South Sea Islands, including de...
An account of the discoveries made...
An account of the discoveries made in the south Pacifick Ocean, previous to 1764.
Four years in the Pacific, in Her M...
Four years in the Pacific, in Her Majesty's ship "Collingwood", from 1844 to 1848
Journal of a cruise among the islan...
Journal of a cruise among the islands of the western Pacific : including the Feejees and others inha...
Narrative of a whaling voyage round...
Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833-1836 : comprising sketches of Poly...
Four years in the Pacific, in Her M...
Four years in the Pacific, in Her Majesty's ship "Collingwood" from 1844-1848
Voyage dans l'Océanie centrale, su...
Voyage dans l'Océanie centrale, sur la corvette française le Bucéphale
A lady's cruise in a French man-of-...
A lady's cruise in a French man-of-war