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16 results
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Picnickers in swimming costume at "Mungabereena" reserve on the Murray River - Albury, NSW
Two young ladies in swimming costumes - Belmont
First junior team - South West Rocks, NSW
Port Hacking, NSW
Aboriginal swimming pool view
"We had a mud pack over at the big dam." - Everleigh, Mungery, NSW
Coffs Harbour, NSW
"At the deep end". Swimmers at Muswellbrook White Memorial Baths - Muswellbrook, NSW
[Two women in bathing caps in the surf, ca. 1915-1925]
Playing on the beach - Freshwater Beach, NSW
Picnic group on Murray River at Mungabereena. Posing for the photographer - Albury, NSW
[Two women row a man, ca. 1920]
Some of the girls club. Swimmers at Muswellbrook White Memorial Baths - Muswellbrook
On the beach - Cronulla, NSW
Girl in swimming costume - Cronulla, NSW