Chart of Cook's Strait in New Zealand / John Ryland, sculp. [Album view]
Chart of Cook's Strait in New Zealand / published by Alexr. Hogg ; Walker Sc. [Album view]
La Nuova Zelanda delineata sulle osservazione del Capitan Cook [Album view]
Chart containing the greater part of the South Sea to the south of the line with the islands dispers...
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien [Album view]
Chart of the Pacific Ocean [cartographic material] / H. S. Tanner. [Album view]
Vue et plan de la Nouvelle Isle de Cyterre, faite a bord de la flute du Roi l'Etoile le 12 Avril 176...
A chart of the eastermost part of the East Indies with all the adjacent islands from Cape Comorin to...
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien : nach den Zeichnungen Reisebeschreibungen, und Tagebucher der...