Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Dulmison, Wyong
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Lawrenson Works
Showers in a foundry
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Noise pollution control tests
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Dulmison, Wyong
Dulmison, Wyong
Sydney Technical College foundry
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Sydney Technical College foundry
John Hine & Sons, metal-casting factories
Dulmison, Wyong
Wearing safety goggles in foundry
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Sydney Technical College foundry
Noise level readings
Burraga Copper Works
Apprentices preparing mould & pouring metal at Sydney Technical College foundry
Noise level readings
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Lawrenson Works
Apprentices preparing mould & pouring metal at Sydney Technical College foundry
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Apprentices preparing mould & pouring metal at Sydney Technical College foundry
Noise level readings
Foundry School: Sydney Technical College
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Sydney Technical College foundry
Wash rooms and lockers in a foundry
Cobar Copper Works casting ingots
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Noise pollution control tests
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Noise pollution control tests
The foundary, Walsh Island
Sandfords Iron Works
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Noise level readings
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Welding and Foundry, Dept of Technical Education
Dulmison, Wyong
Dulmison, Wyong
Noise pollution control tests
Wearing safety goggles in foundry
Dining hall in a foundry
School of Welding and Foundry, Dept of Technical Education
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Welding and Foundry, Dept of Technical Education
Shell moulding, chemical foundry
School of Welding and Foundry, Dept of Technical Education
Dulmison, Wyong
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Apprentices preparing mould & pouring metal at Sydney Technical College foundry
Glazing area for bathtubs at Metters
Noise pollution control tests
Noise level readings
Wearing safety goggles in foundry
Noise pollution control tests
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Shell moulding, chemical foundry
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Wearing safety goggles in foundry
John Hine & Sons, metal-casting factories
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Cobar Copper Works water jacket & smelting shed
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Welding and Foundry, Dept of Technical Education
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering
Noise level readings
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Dulmison, Wyong
Dulmison, Wyong
Wearing safety goggles in foundry
Dulmison, Wyong
Noise pollution control tests
Foundry, School of Mechanical Engineering, Dept of Tech Education
Furnace room in foundry
Noise pollution control tests
Noise pollution control tests
Glazing area for bathtubs at Metters
Apprentices preparing mould & pouring metal at Sydney Technical College foundry
Ascot Iron Foundry, Mascot
Noise level readings
Brogan & Treacy works
Noise pollution control tests
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Wearing safety goggles in foundry