The works of Virgil : containing hi...
The works of Virgil : containing his Pastorals, Georgies, and Aeneis
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36 results
Showing 1 - 36 out of 36 grouped results
Showing 1 - 36 out of 36 grouped results
The works of Virgil : containing hi...
The works of Virgil : containing his Pastorals, Georgies, and Aeneis
Begin ende voortgangh, van de Veree...
Begin ende voortgangh, van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie : ver...
Bucaniers of America, or, A true ac...
Bucaniers of America, or, A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed of late years upo...
Miroir Oost & VVest-Indical [i.e.,...
Miroir Oost & VVest-Indical [i.e., West-Indical] : auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigat...
The history of the Sevarites or Sev...
The history of the Sevarites or Sevarambi : a nation inhabiting part of the third continent, commonl...
Riflessioni geografiche circa le te...
Riflessioni geografiche circa le terre incognite distese in ossequio perpetuo della nobiltà Venezia...
La Terre Australe connue : c'est à...
La Terre Australe connue : c'est à dire, la description de ce pays inconnu jusqu'ici, de ses moeurs...
The history of the Sevarites or Sev...
The history of the Sevarites or Sevarambi : a nation inhabiting part of the third continent, commonl...
Mundus alter et idem : sive Terra A...
Mundus alter et idem : sive Terra Australis antehac semper incognita; longis itineribus peregrini Ac...
A new voyage round the world : desc...
A new voyage round the world : describing particularly the Isthmus of America, several coasts and is...
Nouveau voyage de la terre Australe...
Nouveau voyage de la terre Australe : contenant les coûtumes & les mœurs des Australiens, leur reli...
Les avantures de Jacques Sadeur dan...
Les avantures de Jacques Sadeur dans la decouverte et le voiage de la terre Australe : contenant les...
Diarium vel descriptio laboriosissi...
Diarium vel descriptio laboriosissimi, & molestissimi itineris, facti à Guilielmo Cornelii Schouten...
Descripción de las Indias Occidentales. Latin. 1622 [Album view]
A way to get wealth : containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband o...
Heures nouvelles tirées de la Sain...
Heures nouvelles tirées de la Sainte Ecriture
The optick glasse of hvmors : or, T...
The optick glasse of hvmors : or, The touchstone of a golden temperature, or, The philosophers stone...
Cartes du Ciel reduites en quatre t...
Cartes du Ciel reduites en quatre tables, contenant toutes les constellations : avec un catalogue de...
New discovery of Terra Incognita Au...
New discovery of Terra Incognita Australis, or the southern world, by James Sadeur [Album view]
Leyds veer-schuyts praetjen, tussch...
Leyds veer-schuyts praetjen, tusschen een koopman ende borgher van Leyden ... inhoudende de geschied...
A Collection of original voyages .....
A Collection of original voyages ... : illustrated with several maps and draughts
Joannis Bisselii, è societate Jesu...
Joannis Bisselii, è societate Jesu, Argonauticon Americanorum, sive, Historiæ periculorum Petri de...
Allestree. 1640 : a new almanack an...
Allestree. 1640 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1640. Being the...
Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque...
Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque Indiae navigationum : quarum una Georgij à Spilbergen classis c...
Historica relacion del Reyno de Chile : y delas missiones, y ministerios que exercita en el la Compa...
Some account of New Holland, and th...
Some account of New Holland, and the discovery of a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean : in a let...
Metamorphoses d'Ovide en rondeaux.
An essay in defence of the female sex : in which are inserted the characters of a pedant, a squire,...
An account of the voyages undertake...
An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His present Majesty, for making discoveries in...
Every man his own doctor, compleate...
Every man his own doctor, compleated with an herbal : shewing, first, how every one may know his own...
The accomplish'd ladies delight in...
The accomplish'd ladies delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery ....
All for love, or, The world well lost : a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal ; and written...
Tactiks of Aelian : or, Art of emba...
Tactiks of Aelian : or, Art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner [Album view]
Le grand atlas : ou Cosmographie Bl...
Le grand atlas : ou Cosmographie Blaviane en laquelle est exactement descritte la terre, la mer, et...
Comedies, tragi-comedies, with othe...
Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems
Orders thought meet by His Maiestie...
Orders thought meet by His Maiestie, and his Priuie Councell : to be executed throughout the countie...