Miscellaneous papers regarding the...
Miscellaneous papers regarding the welfare and treatment of Aboriginal Australians, ca. 1816-1842
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20 results
Showing 1 - 20 out of 20 grouped results
Showing 1 - 20 out of 20 grouped results
Miscellaneous papers regarding the...
Miscellaneous papers regarding the welfare and treatment of Aboriginal Australians, ca. 1816-1842
Lachlan Macquarie memorandums regar...
Lachlan Macquarie memorandums regarding Aboriginal Australians, 19 July, 22 December and 29 December...
Bungaree: King of the Aborigines of New South Wales
King Bungaree. Chief of the Broken-Bay Tribe, N.S.Wales. Died 1832. [Portrait] ... 1834 / drawn and...
King of black Native : watercolour portrait by John Carmichael
Item 03: Mr. Verge's, King Michie [Aboriginal breastplate, ca. 1840-1860]
Item 02: Mr. Verge's, King Charlie [Aboriginal breastplate, ca. 1840-1860]
Aborigine, Northern N.S.W. - King Tommy, 1892-1893 / photographer Fred Hardie, George Washington Wil...
Item 06: Letter from Lindon Biddulp...
Item 06: Letter from Lindon Biddulph to Hugh Wright, Librarian, Mitchell Library relating to an Abor...
Item 1: Beerabahn or MacGill, Chief of Bartabah or Lake Macquarie, [1830?] / lithograph by H. B. W....
Bungaree Chief of the Broken Bay Tribe N.S.Wales, [ca. 1830] / by C. Rodius
Billy, King of Myrtle Creek [Brass breastplate]
Nunberri. Chief of the Nunnerahs, N. S. Wales / Drawn from Nature and on Stone by Charles Rodius
Nunberri. Chief of the Nunnerahs, N. S. Wales / Drawn from Nature and on Stone by Charles Rodius
[Silver breastplate] Presented by His Excellency Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy K.H., Governor of New...
King Tom of Dunmore, Maitland. September 1861 / photographer unknown
Memento of the first picnic in ... [Byron ?] Bay Creamery, Sept. 26, 1901 / photographed by Zanoni S...
Item 03: Mr. Verge's, King Michie [Aboriginal breastplate, ca. 1840-1860]
Item 02: Mr. Verge's, King Charlie [Aboriginal breastplate, ca. 1840-1860]