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19 results
Showing 1 - 19 out of 19 grouped results
Hawkesbury College: stacking into shed
Hay loading, Scheyville Farm
View of stables & hayshed
Farm home
Pitching hay on "En-Garde" - Deniliquin, NSW
Carting meadow hay - Girilambone, NSW
Loading stooks of hay at Yarranung - Bega, NSW
Carting hay
Harvesting operations at Woodhouse farm
Scheyville Welfare Farm, visit of Mr Baddeley
Cowra Farm: carting hay
A tractor operating a chaffcutter in Australia
Wheat being carted in from stooks to threshing machine
Hawkesbury College: carting in from harvesting
Carting hay at "Island Grove" - Echuca, VIC
Hay carting on "Elgin" - Deniliquin, NSW