National Aborigines' Day, 1963, Martin Place
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football team
Govt Printing Office Football Team
H.M.A.S. Tingira 1st football team 1st grade
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football team
Football match between Aboriginal School & Condell Park School
Football team and game
Government Printing Office football team, premiers 1948
Football team and game
Football team
Football match between Aboriginal School & Condell Park School
Carlingford `Merry Farmers' Football Club, 1914
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football team
Child Welfare Training Farm, Berry - the football teams
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Govt Printing Office Football Team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football match between Aboriginal School & Condell Park School
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football team, The Domain
Football team
Football team, The Domain
Football team
Football team
Govt Printing Office Football Team
Govt Printing Office Football Team
National Aborigines' Day, 1963, Martin Place
Football match between Aboriginal School & Condell Park School
Football team
Football team, Government Printing Office
Football team, Government Printing Office
Football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Dept of Motor Transport, Rosebery - football team
Football team and game
Football team
Football team
Football team
Football team, The Domain