Geological sketch map showing the southern termination of the Permo-Carboniferous Basin of New South...
Geological map of the country in the vicinity of Mornington
Mineral products of New South Wales
Mineral products of New South Wales
Geological and palaeontological rel...
Geological and palaeontological relations of the coal and plant-bearing beds of Palaeozoic and Mesoz...
The fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury...
The fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury series at Gosford
Contributions to a catalogue of wor...
Contributions to a catalogue of works, reports, and papers on the anthropology, ethnology, and geolo...
Geological map of the Forest Reefs Gold Field
Geological map of the Bulli - Mount Kembla district Bulli, Corrimal, Wollongong, Mount Kembla
Geological map of that portion of the Broken Hill District which contains the principal silver, lead...
Map of parts of the parishes of Bodalla and Wagonga, County of Dampier
Geological sketch map of New South Wales
Map of the Broken Hill, New South Wales to illustrate the report of a board of enquiry into the prev...
New South Wales hydrographical map showing position of wells
Newcastle region showing geological formations and principal collieries
Map of part of the Parish of Dunleary, County of Bathurst Bathurst Mining District, Mount McDonald M...
Sketch map of Mount Kosciusco, N.S.W.
Geological map of the Helensburgh - Bulli district
Sketch geological map of the Sisters Lode, 17 miles north-east of Broken Hill
Geological sketch map of New South Wales
Geological map of the Kiandra gold field
Plan shewing part of the Barrington gold field
Geological Sketch map of the country in the vicinity of Sydney
Map of New South Wales showing stock routes 1880