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17 results
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A A Teague's bullock team hauling a tallowwood log - Warrell Creek, NSW
Moonpar State Forest: tallow-wood dump
Tallow wood, Northern Tableland
Tallow Wood, girth 14'3", Casino
Moonpar State Forest: tallow-wood & brush box
Tallow wood, Lansdowne State Forest
Tallow-wood at camp Briggsvale
Tallow-wood at Briggsvale
Tallow-wood logs from Clouds Creek Forest
Botanical Garden trees, tallowwood
Moonpar State Forest: tallow-wood logs
Tallow-wood on train Briggsvale
Type of big trunks (tallowwood), Bulga Tableland
Moonpar State Forest: tallow-wood, 19'11" girth, 10' from ground
Young growth of tallowwood
Road on Black Mountain showing tallow-wood on left