Series 02: The Sobraon photographed by F. C. Gould off Gravesend, ca. 1875
Series 03: Plan of cabins of the ship Sobraon with the names of the cabin passengers on the voyage f...
On deck of training ship
Ship's company, Sobraon
Club drill and the ship's band
Loading wool: East Sydney Cove
On board the training ship - the Sobraon
Sailing ship - possibly Sobraon
Circular Quay, Jan 1871
Boys from the training ship, the Sobraon ?
Pitt St, ship "Sobraon" Circular Quay, Sydney, N.S.W.
N.S.S. (Nautical School Ship) Sobraon and her boats
Berthing deck
Bayonet drill
The School room
N.S.S. (Nautical School Ship) Sobraon near Cockatoo Island
N.S.S. (Nautical School Ship) Sobraon, head on
Series 01: The Sobraon Occasional p...
Series 01: The Sobraon Occasional published on board the Sobraon during her outward voyage to Melbou...
On the deck of the "Sobraon"
The staff, N.S.S. (Nautical School Ship) Sobraon
Series 02: The Sobraon photographed by F. C. Gould off Gravesend, ca. 1875